Badscripters Climb 1000 Stairs Script

Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players engage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.

What is Roblox Script?

Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.

How to Use Roblox Script?

    1. Launch Roblox and join your desired game.
  1. Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the script code.
  2. Paste the script code into your preferred Roblox executor.
  3. Execute the script code and savor the enhanced experience.
 .____                  ________ ___.    _____                           __                
 |    |    __ _______   \_____  \\_ |___/ ____\_ __  ______ ____ _____ _/  |_  ___________ 
 |    |   |  |  \__  \   /   |   \| __ \   __\  |  \/  ___// ___\\__  \\   __\/  _ \_  __ \
 |    |___|  |  // __ \_/    |    \ \_\ \  | |  |  /\___ \\  \___ / __ \|  | (  <_> )  | \/
 |_______ \____/(____  /\_______  /___  /__| |____//____  >\___  >____  /__|  \____/|__|   
         \/          \/         \/    \/                \/     \/     \/                   
          \_Welcome to   (Alpha 0.2.8) ~  Much Love, Ferib 


do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=0;local v19;local v20;local v21;local v22;local v23;local v24;local v25;local v26;local v27;local v28;local v29;local v30;while true do if (v18==4) then function v25()local v31=957 -(892 + (204 -139)) ;local v32;local v33;local v34;local v35;local v36;local v37;while true do if (v31==(2 -1)) then v34=(20 -(10 + 8)) -1 ;v35=(v21(v33,1 -0 ,51 -31 ) * ((621 -((981 -426) + 64))^(963 -(857 + 74)))) + v32 ;v31=182 -(67 + 113) ;end if (v31==(0 + (0 -0))) then v32=v24();v33=v24();v31=2 -1 ;end if (v31==(571 -((805 -(145 + 293)) + 201))) then if (v36==(927 -(214 + 713))) then if (v35==0) then return v37 * (0 + 0) ;else v36=1 + 0 ;v34=877 -(282 + (1037 -(416 + 26))) ;end elseif (v36==(3684 -(1523 + 114))) then return ((v35==(0 + 0)) and (v37 * ((998 -(915 + 82))/((430 -(44 + 386)) -0)))) or (v37 * NaN) ;end return v8(v37,v36-(920 + 103) ) * (v34 + (v35/((2 + (1486 -(998 + 488)))^((232 -159) -(18 + 3))))) ;end if (v31==(1067 -(68 + 997))) then v36=v21(v33,1291 -(226 + 1044) ,134 -103 );v37=((v21(v33,149 -(32 + 85) )==(1 -0)) and  -(1 + 0)) or ((773 -(201 + 571)) + 0) ;v31=794 -(368 + 182 + 241) ;end end end v26=nil;function v26(v38)local v39;if  not v38 then local v83=1138 -(116 + 1022) ;while true do if (v83==0) then v38=v24();if (v38==(0 -0)) then return "";end break;end end end v39=v3(v16,v19,(v19 + v38) -(1 + (0 -0)) );v19=v19 + v38 ;local v40={};for v67=860 -(814 + 45) , #v39 do v40[v67]=v2(v1(v3(v39,v67,v67)));end return v6(v40);end v18=5;end if (1==v18) then v21=nil;function v21(v41,v42,v43)if v43 then local v84=0 + 0 ;local v85;while true do if (v84==(0 + 0)) then v85=(v41/(((1653 -(745 + 21)) -(261 + 624))^(v42-((1 + 0) -0))))%((5 -3)^(((v43-(1081 -(1020 + 60))) -(v42-(1424 -(630 + (3110 -2317))))) + (3 -2))) ;return v85-(v85%(4 -3)) ;end end else local v86=0 + 0 ;local v87;while true do if (v86==0) then v87=(6 -4)^(v42-(1748 -(760 + 9 + 978))) ;return (((v41%(v87 + v87))>=v87) and 1) or (1913 -(1789 + 124)) ;end end end end v22=nil;v18=2;end if (v18==6) then v29=nil;function v29()local v44=0 -0 ;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;local v50;local v51;while true do if (v44==(1 + 1)) then local v93=0 -0 ;while true do if (v93==(1252 -(721 + 530))) then v44=3;break;end if (v93==(1271 -(945 + 326))) then v49=nil;v50=nil;v93=2 -1 ;end end end if ((3 + 0)==v44) then v51=nil;while true do local v96=700 -(271 + 429) ;local v97;local v98;while true do if (v96==(1 + 0)) then while true do if ((1500 -(1408 + 92))~=v97) then else v98=0;while true do if (v98==(1086 -(461 + 625))) then if (v45==1) then local v286=1288 -(993 + 295) ;local v287;while true do if (v286==0) then v287=0;while true do if (0~=v287) then else local v508=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v508~=1) then else v287=1172 -(418 + 753) ;break;end if (v508~=0) then else v50=v24();v51={};v508=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v287~=2) then else v45=2;break;end if (v287~=(1 + 0)) then else local v509=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((1 + 0)==v509) then v287=2;break;end if (v509==(529 -(406 + 123))) then for v523=1770 -(1749 + 20) ,v50 do local v524=0;local v525;local v526;local v527;local v528;while true do if (v524==(0 + 0)) then v525=1322 -(1249 + 73) ;v526=nil;v524=1 + 0 ;end if (v524==2) then while true do if (v525~=(1145 -(466 + 679))) then else local v534=0 -0 ;while true do if (0==v534) then v526=0;v527=nil;v534=2 -1 ;end if (v534~=(1901 -(106 + 1794))) then else v525=1 + 0 ;break;end end end if (v525==1) then v528=nil;while true do if (v526==(1 + 0)) then if (v527==(2 -1)) then v528=v22()~=(0 -0) ;elseif (v527==(116 -(4 + 110))) then v528=v25();elseif (v527==(587 -(57 + 527))) then v528=v26();end v51[v523]=v528;break;end if (v526==0) then local v536=0;local v537;while true do if (v536~=0) then else v537=1427 -(41 + 1386) ;while true do if (v537==(103 -(17 + 86))) then local v549=0;while true do if (v549==0) then v527=v22();v528=nil;v549=1;end if (v549==(1 + 0)) then v537=1;break;end end end if ((1 -0)==v537) then v526=1;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end if (v524~=(2 -1)) then else v527=nil;v528=nil;v524=168 -(122 + 44) ;end end end v49[5 -2 ]=v22();v509=3 -2 ;end end end end break;end end end if (v45~=0) then else local v288=0;local v289;while true do if (v288~=(0 + 0)) then else v289=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v289==(3 -1)) then v45=66 -(30 + 35) ;break;end if (v289==(1 + 0)) then local v510=0;while true do if (v510==(1257 -(1043 + 214))) then local v522=0 -0 ;while true do if (v522~=1) then else v510=1213 -(323 + 889) ;break;end if (0~=v522) then else v48={};v49={v46,v47,nil,v48};v522=1;end end end if (v510==1) then v289=322 -(53 + 267) ;break;end end end if ((0 + 0)==v289) then v46={};v47={};v289=1;end end break;end end end v98=1;end if (v98~=1) then else if (v45==(415 -(15 + 398))) then local v290=0;while true do local v390=982 -(18 + 964) ;while true do if (v390==0) then if (v290~=(3 -2)) then else return v49;end if (v290==0) then for v515=1 + 0 ,v24() do local v516=0;local v517;local v518;while true do if (v516==(1 + 0)) then while true do if (0~=v517) then else v518=v22();if (v21(v518,1,851 -(20 + 830) )==(0 + 0)) then local v529=0;local v530;local v531;local v532;local v533;while true do if (v529==0) then v530=126 -(116 + 10) ;v531=nil;v529=1;end if (v529==(1 + 0)) then v532=nil;v533=nil;v529=2;end if (v529~=2) then else while true do if (v530~=1) then else local v538=738 -(542 + 196) ;local v539;while true do if (v538~=0) then else v539=0;while true do if (v539~=1) then else v530=2;break;end if (v539~=(0 -0)) then else local v550=0;local v551;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v550) then v551=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v551~=(0 + 0)) then else local v554=0;while true do if (v554==0) then v533={v23(),v23(),nil,nil};if (v531==(1551 -(1126 + 425))) then local v559=0;while true do if (v559==0) then v533[408 -(118 + 287) ]=v23();v533[15 -11 ]=v23();break;end end elseif (v531==(1122 -(118 + 1003))) then v533[3]=v24();elseif (v531==(5 -3)) then v533[380 -(142 + 235) ]=v24() -((9 -7)^(4 + 12)) ;elseif (v531==(980 -(553 + 424))) then local v564=0 -0 ;local v565;local v566;local v567;while true do if (v564==1) then v567=nil;while true do if (v565~=1) then else while true do if (v566==(0 + 0)) then v567=0;while true do if (v567~=0) then else v533[3]=v24() -(2^(16 + 0)) ;v533[4]=v23();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v565==(0 + 0)) then local v568=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v568~=(0 + 0)) then else v566=0 -0 ;v567=nil;v568=1;end if (v568~=1) then else v565=1;break;end end end end break;end if (v564~=0) then else v565=0;v566=nil;v564=2 -1 ;end end end v554=1;end if (v554==(2 -1)) then v551=1;break;end end end if (v551==(1 + 0)) then v539=1;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end end if ((0 -0)==v530) then local v540=753 -(239 + 514) ;local v541;local v542;while true do if (v540==1) then while true do if (v541~=(0 + 0)) then else v542=0;while true do if (v542==(1329 -(797 + 532))) then local v552=0;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v552) then v531=v21(v518,2,3);v532=v21(v518,2 + 2 ,6);v552=2 -1 ;end if (v552==(1203 -(373 + 829))) then v542=1;break;end end end if (v542==(732 -(476 + 255))) then v530=1;break;end end break;end end break;end if (v540==0) then v541=0;v542=nil;v540=1131 -(369 + 761) ;end end end if (v530==(2 + 0)) then local v543=0;local v544;local v545;while true do if (v543==1) then while true do if (0~=v544) then else v545=0 -0 ;while true do if (v545==1) then v530=5 -2 ;break;end if (v545==(238 -(64 + 174))) then local v553=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v553~=1) then else v545=1 -0 ;break;end if (0==v553) then if (v21(v532,337 -(144 + 192) ,1)~=(217 -(42 + 174))) then else v533[2 + 0 ]=v51[v533[2 + 0 ]];end if (v21(v532,1 + 1 ,2)~=1) then else v533[1507 -(363 + 1141) ]=v51[v533[3]];end v553=1;end end end end break;end end break;end if (v543==(1580 -(1183 + 397))) then v544=0;v545=nil;v543=1;end end end if (v530==3) then if (v21(v532,3,3)==1) then v533[11 -7 ]=v51[v533[3 + 1 ]];end v46[v515]=v533;break;end end break;end end end break;end end break;end if ((0 + 0)~=v516) then else v517=0;v518=nil;v516=1976 -(1913 + 62) ;end end end for v519=1 + 0 ,v24() do v47[v519-1 ]=v29();end v290=2 -1 ;end break;end end end end break;end end break;end end break;end if ((1933 -(565 + 1368))~=v96) then else v97=0;v98=nil;v96=3 -2 ;end end end break;end if (v44==(1661 -(1477 + 184))) then local v94=0 -0 ;while true do if (v94==1) then v44=1 + 0 ;break;end if (v94==0) then v45=0;v46=nil;v94=1;end end end if ((857 -(564 + 292))==v44) then local v95=0;while true do if (v95==0) then local v105=0 -0 ;while true do if (v105==(2 -1)) then v95=1;break;end if (v105==(304 -(244 + 60))) then v47=nil;v48=nil;v105=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v95==(477 -(41 + 435))) then v44=2;break;end end end end end v30=nil;v18=7;end if (v18==0) then v19=1;v20=nil;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v52)if (v1(v52,2)==79) then local v88=0;while true do if (v88==0) then v20=v0(v3(v52,1,1));return "";end end else local v89=v2(v0(v52,16));if v20 then local v99=0;local v100;while true do if (v99==1) then return v100;end if (v99==0) then v100=v5(v89,v20);v20=nil;v99=1;end end else return v89;end end end);v18=1;end if (v18==3) then v24=nil;function v24()local v53=1001 -(938 + 63) ;local v54;local v55;local v56;local v57;while true do if (v53==(1 + 0)) then return (v57 * (43710194 -26932978)) + (v56 * (66661 -(936 + 189))) + (v55 * (69 + 16 + (606 -435))) + v54 ;end if (v53==(1613 -(1565 + 48))) then v54,v55,v56,v57=v1(v16,v19,v19 + 2 + 1 );v19=v19 + (1879 -(157 + 1718)) ;v53=1;end end end v25=nil;v18=4;end if (5==v18) then v27=v24;v28=nil;function v28(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end v18=6;end if (7==v18) then function v30(v58,v59,v60)local v61=v58[1];local v62=v58[2];local v63=v58[3];return function(...)local v69=v61;local v70=v62;local v71=v63;local v72=v28;local v73=1;local v74= -1;local v75={};local v76={...};local v77=v12("#",...) -1 ;local v78={};local v79={};for v90=0,v77 do if (v90>=v71) then v75[v90-v71 ]=v76[v90 + 1 ];else v79[v90]=v76[v90 + 1 ];end end local v80=(v77-v71) + 1 ;local v81;local v82;while true do v81=v69[v73];v82=v81[1];if (v82<=21) then if (v82<=10) then if (v82<=4) then if (v82<=1) then if (v82>0) then local v106=0;local v107;local v108;while true do if (v106==6) then v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];break;end if (v106==5) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v106=6;end if (v106==3) then v79[v108]=v107[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v106=4;end if (v106==1) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v106=2;end if (4==v106) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]={};v73=v73 + 1 ;v106=5;end if (v106==2) then v81=v69[v73];v108=v81[2];v107=v79[v81[3]];v79[v108 + 1 ]=v107;v106=3;end if (v106==0) then v107=nil;v108=nil;v108=v81[2];v79[v108](v13(v79,v108 + 1 ,v81[3]));v106=1;end end elseif (v79[v81[2]]==v81[4]) then v73=v73 + 1 ;else v73=v81[3];end elseif (v82<=2) then if v79[v81[2]] then v73=v73 + 1 ;else v73=v81[3];end elseif (v82==3) then v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];else local v166=0;local v167;local v168;while true do if (v166==2) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v166=3;end if (v166==5) then v60[v81[3]]=v79[v81[2]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v166=6;end if (v166==7) then v73=v81[3];break;end if (v166==4) then v79[v168]=v79[v168](v13(v79,v168 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v166=5;end if (v166==1) then v167=v79[v81[3]];v79[v168 + 1 ]=v167;v79[v168]=v167[v81[4]];v166=2;end if (v166==3) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v168=v81[2];v166=4;end if (6==v166) then v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v166=7;end if (0==v166) then v167=nil;v168=nil;v168=v81[2];v166=1;end end end elseif (v82<=7) then if (v82<=5) then local v109=v81[2];v79[v109](v79[v109 + 1 ]);elseif (v82>6) then local v169=v81[2];local v170=v81[4];local v171=v169 + 2 ;local v172={v79[v169](v79[v169 + 1 ],v79[v171])};for v312=1,v170 do v79[v171 + v312 ]=v172[v312];end local v173=v172[1];if v173 then local v391=0;while true do if (v391==0) then v79[v171]=v173;v73=v81[3];break;end end else v73=v73 + 1 ;end else local v174=v81[2];v79[v174]=v79[v174]();end elseif (v82<=8) then local v110=0;local v111;local v112;local v113;while true do if (v110==0) then v111=v81[2];v112={v79[v111](v79[v111 + 1 ])};v110=1;end if (v110==1) then v113=0;for v392=v111,v81[4] do v113=v113 + 1 ;v79[v392]=v112[v113];end break;end end elseif (v82==9) then local v176=0;local v177;while true do if (v176==0) then v177=nil;v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v176=1;end if (v176==6) then v73=v81[3];break;end if (v176==4) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v176=5;end if (v176==5) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v177=v81[2];v79[v177](v79[v177 + 1 ]);v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v176=6;end if (v176==1) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v176=2;end if (v176==3) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v177=v81[2];v79[v177](v13(v79,v177 + 1 ,v81[3]));v176=4;end if (v176==2) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v176=3;end end else local v178=0;local v179;while true do if (v178==0) then v179=v81[2];v79[v179](v13(v79,v179 + 1 ,v81[3]));break;end end end elseif (v82<=15) then if (v82<=12) then if (v82>11) then v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]];else v79[v81[2]]={};end elseif (v82<=13) then local v117=0;local v118;local v119;local v120;local v121;while true do if (v117==0) then v118=nil;v119=nil;v120=nil;v121=nil;v117=1;end if (v117==3) then v79[v121 + 1 ]=v120;v79[v121]=v120[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v117=4;end if (v117==2) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v121=v81[2];v120=v79[v81[3]];v117=3;end if (v117==4) then v121=v81[2];v119={v79[v121](v79[v121 + 1 ])};v118=0;for v395=v121,v81[4] do local v396=0;while true do if (v396==0) then v118=v118 + 1 ;v79[v395]=v119[v118];break;end end end v117=5;end if (v117==5) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v73=v81[3];break;end if (v117==1) then v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v117=2;end end elseif (v82==14) then local v180;v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v180=v81[2];v79[v180](v13(v79,v180 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v180=v81[2];v79[v180](v79[v180 + 1 ]);v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];else local v188;local v189;v189=v81[2];v79[v189](v13(v79,v189 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v189=v81[2];v188=v79[v81[3]];v79[v189 + 1 ]=v188;v79[v189]=v188[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v189=v81[2];v79[v189]=v79[v189](v13(v79,v189 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v60[v81[3]]=v79[v81[2]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];end elseif (v82<=18) then if (v82<=16) then local v122=0;while true do if (v122==4) then v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v122=5;end if (v122==3) then v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v122=4;end if (0==v122) then v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v122=1;end if (v122==1) then v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v122=2;end if (v122==2) then v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v122=3;end if (v122==6) then do return;end break;end if (5==v122) then v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v79[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v122=6;end end elseif (v82>17) then v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];else do return;end end elseif (v82<=19) then local v123;v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v123=v81[2];v79[v123](v13(v79,v123 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v123=v81[2];v79[v123](v13(v79,v123 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v73=v81[3];elseif (v82==20) then local v201=0;local v202;local v203;local v204;local v205;local v206;while true do if (v201==2) then v79[v206]=v205[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v201=3;end if (3==v201) then v81=v69[v73];v206=v81[2];v203,v204=v72(v79[v206](v13(v79,v206 + 1 ,v81[3])));v74=(v204 + v206) -1 ;v202=0;v201=4;end if (7==v201) then v205=v79[v81[3]];v79[v206 + 1 ]=v205;v79[v206]=v205[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v201=8;end if (8==v201) then v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v206=v81[2];v205=v79[v81[3]];v201=9;end if (v201==0) then v202=nil;v203,v204=nil;v205=nil;v206=nil;v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v201=1;end if (v201==9) then v79[v206 + 1 ]=v205;v79[v206]=v205[v81[4]];break;end if (v201==6) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v206=v81[2];v201=7;end if (v201==4) then for v495=v206,v74 do v202=v202 + 1 ;v79[v495]=v203[v202];end v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v206=v81[2];v79[v206]=v79[v206](v13(v79,v206 + 1 ,v74));v201=5;end if (v201==5) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v206=v81[2];v79[v206]=v79[v206]();v73=v73 + 1 ;v201=6;end if (v201==1) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v206=v81[2];v205=v79[v81[3]];v79[v206 + 1 ]=v205;v201=2;end end else local v207=v81[2];v79[v207]=v79[v207](v13(v79,v207 + 1 ,v81[3]));end elseif (v82<=32) then if (v82<=26) then if (v82<=23) then if (v82>22) then v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v79[v81[4]];else v73=v81[3];end elseif (v82<=24) then local v134=0;local v135;while true do if (v134==0) then v135=v81[2];v79[v135]=v79[v135](v13(v79,v135 + 1 ,v74));break;end end elseif (v82==25) then v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v79[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];do return;end else v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];end elseif (v82<=29) then if (v82<=27) then local v136;local v137;v137=v81[2];v79[v137](v13(v79,v137 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v137=v81[2];v136=v79[v81[3]];v79[v137 + 1 ]=v136;v79[v137]=v136[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]={};v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];elseif (v82==28) then local v217;local v218;local v219;local v220;v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v220=v81[2];v219=v79[v81[3]];v79[v220 + 1 ]=v219;v79[v220]=v219[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v220=v81[2];v218={v79[v220](v79[v220 + 1 ])};v217=0;for v350=v220,v81[4] do local v351=0;while true do if (v351==0) then v217=v217 + 1 ;v79[v350]=v218[v217];break;end end end v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v73=v81[3];else v60[v81[3]]=v79[v81[2]];end elseif (v82<=30) then v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];elseif (v82>31) then local v233;local v234;v234=v81[2];v233=v79[v81[3]];v79[v234 + 1 ]=v233;v79[v234]=v233[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v234=v81[2];v79[v234]=v79[v234](v13(v79,v234 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v60[v81[3]]=v79[v81[2]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v73=v81[3];else v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]] * v79[v81[4]] ;end elseif (v82<=38) then if (v82<=35) then if (v82<=33) then v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v79[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];do return;end elseif (v82==34) then local v245;local v246;v246=v81[2];v245=v79[v81[3]];v79[v246 + 1 ]=v245;v79[v246]=v245[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]={};v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]][v81[3]]=v81[4];else local v257=0;local v258;local v259;local v260;local v261;while true do if (v257==0) then v258=v81[2];v259,v260=v72(v79[v258](v13(v79,v258 + 1 ,v81[3])));v257=1;end if (v257==2) then for v500=v258,v74 do local v501=0;while true do if (v501==0) then v261=v261 + 1 ;v79[v500]=v259[v261];break;end end end break;end if (v257==1) then v74=(v260 + v258) -1 ;v261=0;v257=2;end end end elseif (v82<=36) then local v157=0;local v158;local v159;while true do if (v157==8) then v81=v69[v73];v159=v81[2];v79[v159](v13(v79,v159 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];do return;end break;end if (v157==4) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v157=5;end if (v157==0) then v158=nil;v159=nil;v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v157=1;end if (v157==7) then v81=v69[v73];v159=v81[2];v79[v159]=v79[v159](v13(v79,v159 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]] * v79[v81[4]] ;v73=v73 + 1 ;v157=8;end if (v157==1) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v157=2;end if (v157==5) then v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v157=6;end if (3==v157) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v157=4;end if (v157==6) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v157=7;end if (v157==2) then v79[v81[2]]=v79[v81[3]][v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v159=v81[2];v158=v79[v81[3]];v79[v159 + 1 ]=v158;v79[v159]=v158[v81[4]];v157=3;end end elseif (v82>37) then local v262=0;local v263;local v264;local v265;local v266;while true do if (v262==0) then v263=nil;v264,v265=nil;v266=nil;v262=1;end if (v262==6) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v73=v81[3];break;end if (v262==1) then v266=v81[2];v264,v265=v72(v79[v266](v13(v79,v266 + 1 ,v81[3])));v74=(v265 + v266) -1 ;v262=2;end if (v262==3) then v81=v69[v73];v266=v81[2];v79[v266]=v79[v266](v13(v79,v266 + 1 ,v74));v262=4;end if (5==v262) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v262=6;end if (v262==2) then v263=0;for v502=v266,v74 do local v503=0;while true do if (v503==0) then v263=v263 + 1 ;v79[v502]=v264[v263];break;end end end v73=v73 + 1 ;v262=3;end if (v262==4) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v60[v81[3]]=v79[v81[2]];v262=5;end end else local v267=0;local v268;local v269;while true do if (v267==0) then v268=v81[2];v269=v79[v81[3]];v267=1;end if (v267==1) then v79[v268 + 1 ]=v269;v79[v268]=v269[v81[4]];break;end end end elseif (v82<=41) then if (v82<=39) then if (v81[2]==v79[v81[4]]) then v73=v73 + 1 ;else v73=v81[3];end elseif (v82==40) then local v271;local v272;v272=v81[2];v271=v79[v81[3]];v79[v272 + 1 ]=v271;v79[v272]=v271[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v272=v81[2];v79[v272]=v79[v272](v13(v79,v272 + 1 ,v81[3]));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v60[v81[3]]=v79[v81[2]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v60[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v272=v81[2];v271=v79[v81[3]];v79[v272 + 1 ]=v271;v79[v272]=v271[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];for v388=v81[2],v81[3] do v79[v388]=nil;end else v79[v81[2]]=v30(v70[v81[3]],nil,v60);end elseif (v82<=42) then for v160=v81[2],v81[3] do v79[v160]=nil;end elseif (v82>43) then v79[v81[2]]= not v79[v81[3]];else local v284=0;local v285;while true do if (v284==0) then v285=v81[2];v79[v285]=v79[v285](v79[v285 + 1 ]);break;end end end v73=v73 + 1 ;end end;end return v30(v29(),{},v17)(...);end if (v18==2) then function v22()local v64=v1(v16,v19,v19);v19=v19 + 1 ;return v64;end v23=nil;function v23()local v65,v66=v1(v16,v19,v19 + (6 -4) );v19=v19 + (1020 -(697 + 321)) ;return (v66 * (697 -441)) + v65 ;end v18=3;end end end 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