Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players engage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.
What is Roblox Script?
Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.
How to Use Roblox Script?
- Launch Roblox and join your desired game.
- Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the script code.
- Paste the script code into your preferred Roblox executor.
- Execute the script code and savor the enhanced experience.
repeat task.wait() until game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Users") and game.ReplicatedStorage.Users.intro.Value and game.ReplicatedStorage.Users.h2p.Value -- jan ui lib loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local Network = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Modules.Network) local Code = "" local SphereCode = "" local Colors = { {a = 0, cc = 1, color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)}, {a = 0, cc = 2, color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)}, {a = 0, cc = 3, color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255)}, {a = 0, cc = 4, color = Color3.fromRGB(77, 77, 77)}, {a = 0, cc = 5, color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0)}, {a = 0, cc = 6, color = Color3.fromRGB(85, 0, 127)}, {a = 0, cc = 7, color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 0)}, } local UIS = game.UserInputService local RunService = game.RunService local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Level ="currentLevel").Value local Library = library:AddTab("Apeirophobia - Level ".. Level) local Column1 = Library:AddColumn() local Column2 = Library:AddColumn() local LevelSection = Column1:AddSection("Level "..Level) local LocalPlayer = Column2:AddSection("LocalPlayer") local ESP = Column2:AddSection("ESP") local Unsupported = false local WSEnabled = false local JPEnabled = false local WalkSpeed = 10 local JumpPower = 30 local EntityDrawings = {} local CoresDrawings = {} local AverageProps = { Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Size = 14, Center = true, Outline = true, OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(1,1,1), Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace, Visible = true } local Goals = { [0] =, 11.775812149047852, -92.27729797363281), [1] =, -29.450159072875977, -1183.3409423828125), [2] =, -176.95956420898438, -2539.600830078125), [3] =, 3.970996379852295, -116.6429443359375), [4] =, -51.07357406616211, 558.4268188476562), [5] =, 9.408474922180176, 3562.38037109375), [6] =, 2.1053123474121094, -2566.51025390625), [7] =, 2.045313835144043, -2944.38232421875), [8] =, 10.831992149353027, -213.09765625), [9] =, 51.89096450805664, -443.34759521484375), } local L10_Goals = { [1] =, 3.8714559078216553, -1821.67626953125), [2] =, 3.8714563846588135, -1820.9541015625), [3] =, 3.871455669403076, -993.35009765625), [4] =, 3.8714563846588135, -995.0171508789062), } local L10_1 local L10_2 local L10_3 local L10_4 local unlockMouse = true local infStamina = false local entityESP = false local realityOrbESP = false local pathfindingExit = false local exitESP = false local isGetting = false local CoreFunction local NewGoal local function HasChar() if Player.Character and Player.Character.Parent and Player.Character.Parent.Parent and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then return true end return false end local function WTVP(NewVector) local Vector, Visible = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(NewVector) return Visible and, Vector.Y) or, 9e9) end local OldNewIndex OldNewIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", function(t, i, v) if not checkcaller() and WSEnabled and getcallingscript().Name == "CoreScript" and (i == "WalkSpeed" or i == "CharacterWalkSpeed") then return end if not checkcaller() and JPEnabled and getcallingscript().Name == "CoreScript" and (i == "JumpPower" or i == "CharacterJumpPower") then return end return OldNewIndex(t, i, v) end) LocalPlayer:AddButton({text = "Go to lobby", callback = function() Network:FireServer("lobby") end}) LocalPlayer:AddButton({text = "Get All Simulation Cores", callback = function() if not isGetting and HasChar() then isGetting = true local lol = true for i,v in next, workspace.Ignored.Trophies:GetChildren() do task.spawn(function() while lol do Player.Character.Humanoid.RootPart.CFrame = v:GetPivot() task.wait() end end) task.wait(1) lol = false task.wait() lol = true end isGetting = false end end}) LocalPlayer:AddToggle({text = "Unlock Mouse", callback = function(b) unlockMouse = b RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("tempMouse") Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("UI").image:WaitForChild("mouse").Value = false if not b then return end RunService:BindToRenderStep("tempMouse", 0, function() Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("UI").image:WaitForChild("mouse").Value = unlockMouse end) end, state = true}):AddBind({text = "Unlock Mouse Bind", callback = function(k) library.options["Unlock Mouse"]:SetState(not unlockMouse) end, key = Enum.KeyCode.R}) LocalPlayer:AddToggle({text = "Infinite Stamina", callback = function(b) infStamina = b end, state = false}) LocalPlayer:AddToggle({text = "WalkSpeed Enabled", callback = function(b) WSEnabled = b if not b and HasChar() then game.StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed = 10 Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 10 end end, state = false}) LocalPlayer:AddToggle({text = "JumpPower Enabled", callback = function(b) JPEnabled = b if not b and HasChar() then game.StarterPlayer.CharacterJumpPower = 30 Player.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = 30 end end, state = false}) LocalPlayer:AddSlider({text = "WalkSpeed", callback = function(n) WalkSpeed = n end, value = 10, min = 10, max = 100}) LocalPlayer:AddSlider({text = "JumpPower", callback = function(n) JumpPower = n end, value = 30, min = 30, max = 100}) ESP:AddToggle({text = "Entity ESP", callback = function(b) entityESP = b end, state = false}) ESP:AddToggle({text = "Simulation Core ESP", callback = function(b) realityOrbESP = b end, state = false}) Level0 = function() LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) end Level1 = function() local Interacts = workspace.Ignored.Interacts local UnRendered = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Maps["1"].Interacts local ValveDrawings = {} local valveESP = false LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Valve ESP", callback = function(b) valveESP = b end}) task.spawn(function() repeat task.wait() until Level == 1 while Level == 1 do if valveESP then for valve, drawing in next, ValveDrawings do drawing.Text = string.format("%s (%s)", "Valve", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(valve.Position))) drawing.Position = WTVP(valve.Position) end for i,v in next, UnRendered:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "valve" and not ValveDrawings[v] then local ValveDraw ="Text") ValveDraw.Text = string.format("%s (%s)", "Valve", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Position))) for I,V in next, AverageProps do ValveDraw[I] = V end ValveDrawings[v] = ValveDraw end end else for _, drawing in next, ValveDrawings do drawing:Remove() ValveDrawings[_] = nil end end task.wait() end for _, drawing in next, ValveDrawings do drawing:Remove() ValveDrawings[_] = nil end end) end Level2 = function() LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) end Level3 = function() local Interacts = workspace.Ignored.Interacts local KeyESP = false local KeyDrawings = {} LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Key ESP", callback = function(b) KeyESP = b end, tip = "Must be near any shelfs for the key to be rendered in."}) task.spawn(function() repeat task.wait() until Level == 3 while Level == 3 do if KeyESP then for i,v in next, Interacts:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "key" and not KeyDrawings[v] then local KeyDrawing ="Text") for I,V in next, AverageProps do KeyDrawing[I] = V end KeyDrawing.Text = string.format("Key (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Position))) KeyDrawings[v] = KeyDrawing end end for key,keydrawing in next, KeyDrawings do if key and key.Parent and key.Parent.Parent then keydrawing.Text = string.format("Key (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(key.Position))) keydrawing.Position = WTVP(key.Position) else keydrawing:Remove() KeyDrawings[key] = nil end end else for i,v in next, KeyDrawings do v:Remove() KeyDrawings[i] = nil end end task.wait() end for i,v in next, KeyDrawings do v:Remove() KeyDrawings[i] = nil end end) end Level4 = function() LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) end Level5 = function() LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) end Level6 = function() LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) end Level7 = function() local Interacts = workspace.Ignored.Interacts local Monitor1 = Interacts:WaitForChild("Monitor1") local VentSprint = false local gottenCode = false local gottenCode2 = false local SpheresCode local CodeLabel LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) local OldNamecall OldNamecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...) local Method = getnamecallmethod() local Args = {...} if VentSprint and Method == "Raycast" and (Args[2].Y == 3.5 or Args[2].Y == 2.5) then return nil end return OldNamecall(self, ...) end) SpheresCode = LevelSection:AddLabel("Sphere Code: ") CodeLabel = LevelSection:AddLabel("Door Code: ") LevelSection:AddButton({text = "Get Decryption Code", callback = function() if not gottenCode2 then gottenCode2 = true for i,v in next, Interacts:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "puzzleBall" then for I,V in next, Colors do if V.color == v.Color then V.a = V.a + 1 end end end end for i,v in next, Colors do if v.a > 0 then SphereCode = end end SpheresCode:SetText("Sphere Code: ".. SphereCode) end end}) LevelSection:AddButton({text = "Get Door Code", callback = function() if not gottenCode then gottenCode = true for i,v in next, Interacts:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "puzzleBall" then for I,V in next, Colors do if V.color == v.Color then V.a = V.a + 1 end end end end for i,v in next, Colors do if v.a > 0 then Code = end end if not gottenCode2 then gottenCode2 = true SpheresCode:SetText("Sphere Code: ".. Code) end Network:FireServer("input", Code, Monitor1, false) task.wait(.2) CodeLabel:SetText("Door Code: "..Monitor1.UI.Frame.code.Text) Code = Monitor1.UI.Frame.code.Text end end}) LevelSection:AddButton({text = "Open First Door", callback = function() if not gottenCode then library.options["Get Door Code"].callback() end Network:FireServer("input", Code, Interacts.Keypad1.Pad1, Interacts.Keypad1) end}) LevelSection:AddButton({text = "Brute-Force Second Door", callback = function() for i = 1, 9999 do Network:FireServer("input", tostring(i), Interacts.Keypad2.Pad2, Interacts.Keypad2) if Interacts.Keypad2.Display.Color == Color3.fromRGB(170, 255, 127) then break end end end}) LevelSection:AddButton({text = "Open Vent", callback = function() Network:FireServer("input", "y", workspace.Ignored.Interacts.Monitor2, false) end}) LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Sprint in Vent", callback = function(b) VentSprint = b end, state = false}) end Level8 = function() LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) end Level9 = function() LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) end Level10 = function() local keyESP = false local keyDrawings = {} local Interacts = workspace.Ignored.Interacts LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Exit ESP", callback = function(b) exitESP = b end}) LevelSection:AddToggle({text = "Key ESP", callback = function(b) keyESP = b end, tip = "Run around the map for the keys to render in."}) task.spawn(function() repeat task.wait() until Level == 10 while Level == 10 do if keyESP then for i,v in next, Interacts:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "key" and not keyDrawings[v] then local KeyDrawing ="Text") for I,V in next, AverageProps do KeyDrawing[I] = V end KeyDrawing.Text = string.format("Key (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Position))) keyDrawings[v] = KeyDrawing end end for key,keydrawing in next, keyDrawings do if key and key.Parent and key.Parent.Parent then keydrawing.Text = string.format("Key (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(key.Position))) keydrawing.Position = WTVP(key.Position) else keydrawing:Remove() keyDrawings[key] = nil end end else for i,v in next, keyDrawings do v:Remove() keyDrawings[i] = nil end end task.wait() end for i,v in next, keyDrawings do v:Remove() keyDrawings[i] = nil end end) end if getfenv()["Level"..Level] then -- check if supported getfenv()["Level"..Level]() end if not getfenv()["Level"..Level] then return end library:Init() Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() task.spawn(function() repeat task.wait() until HasChar() and not Unsupported and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Scripts") and Player.Character.Scripts:FindFirstChild("CoreScript") task.wait(2) for i,v in next, getconnections(RunService.RenderStepped) do if getfenv(v.Function).script.Name == "CoreScript" and #getupvalues(v.Function) > 20 then CoreFunction = v.Function end end end) end) if HasChar() then for i,v in next, getconnections(RunService.RenderStepped) do if getfenv(v.Function).script.Name == "CoreScript" and #getupvalues(v.Function) > 20 then CoreFunction = v.Function end end end task.spawn(function() while not Unsupported do if HasChar() and not UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) and not UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then if WSEnabled then game.StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed = WalkSpeed Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = WalkSpeed end if JPEnabled then game.StarterPlayer.CharacterJumpPower = JumpPower Player.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = JumpPower end end task.wait() end end) task.spawn(function() while true do if Unsupported then for _, drawing in next, EntityDrawings do drawing:Remove() EntityDrawings[_] = nil end break end if entityESP then for entity, drawing in next, EntityDrawings do if not entity or not entity.Parent or not entity.Parent.Parent then drawing:Remove() EntityDrawings[entity] = nil continue end drawing.Text = string.format("%s (%s)", entity.Name, math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(entity:GetPivot().Position))) drawing.Position = WTVP(entity:GetPivot().Position) end for i,v in next, workspace.Entities:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("Model") and not EntityDrawings[v] then local EntityDraw ="Text") EntityDraw.Text = string.format("%s (%s)", v.Name, math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v:GetPivot().Position))) for I,V in next, AverageProps do EntityDraw[I] = V end EntityDrawings[v] = EntityDraw end end else for _, drawing in next, EntityDrawings do drawing:Remove() EntityDrawings[_] = nil end end task.wait() end end) task.spawn(function() while not Unsupported do if realityOrbESP then for trophy, drawing in next, CoresDrawings do if trophy:FindFirstChild("id") then drawing.Text = string.format("%s (%s)",, math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(trophy:GetPivot().Position))) drawing.Position = WTVP(trophy:GetPivot().Position) end end for i,v in next, workspace.Ignored.Trophies:GetChildren() do if v:FindFirstChild("id") and not CoresDrawings[v] then local TrophyDraw ="Text") TrophyDraw.Text = string.format("%s (%s)",, math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v:GetPivot().Position))) for I,V in next, AverageProps do TrophyDraw[I] = V end CoresDrawings[v] = TrophyDraw elseif not v:FindFirstChild("id") and CoresDrawings[v] then CoresDrawings[v]:Remove() CoresDrawings[v] = nil end end else for _, drawing in next, CoresDrawings do drawing:Remove() CoresDrawings[_] = nil end end task.wait() end end) task.spawn(function() while not Unsupported do if infStamina and CoreFunction and #getupvalues(CoreFunction) > 50 then setupvalue(CoreFunction, 52, 100) end task.wait() end end) task.spawn(function() while true do local NewValue ="currentLevel").Value if Level ~= NewValue then Library.button.Text = "Apeirophobia - Level ".. NewValue if LevelSection and LevelSection.content and LevelSection.content.Parent then LevelSection.content.Parent:Destroy() end LevelSection = Column1:AddSection("Level "..NewValue) if getfenv()["Level"..NewValue] then getfenv()["Level"..NewValue]() else Unsupported = true LevelSection:AddLabel("Unsupported Level, if this level is available, it should be added soon.") library:Init() if NewGoal then NewGoal:Remove() NewGoal = nil end if L10_1 then L10_1:Remove() end if L10_2 then L10_2:Remove() end if L10_3 then L10_3:Remove() end if L10_4 then L10_4:Remove() end break end task.wait(.1) library:Init() end Level = NewValue -- L10_Drawings if exitESP and Level == 10 then if L10_1 then L10_1.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[1]))) L10_1.Position = WTVP(L10_Goals[1]) end if L10_2 then L10_2.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[2]))) L10_2.Position = WTVP(L10_Goals[2]) end if L10_3 then L10_3.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[3]))) L10_3.Position = WTVP(L10_Goals[3]) end if L10_4 then L10_4.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[4]))) L10_4.Position = WTVP(L10_Goals[4]) end if not L10_1 then local GoalText ="Text") for I,V in next, AverageProps do GoalText[I] = V end GoalText.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[1]))) L10_1 = GoalText end if not L10_2 then local GoalText ="Text") for I,V in next, AverageProps do GoalText[I] = V end GoalText.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[2]))) L10_2 = GoalText end if not L10_3 then local GoalText ="Text") for I,V in next, AverageProps do GoalText[I] = V end GoalText.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[3]))) L10_3 = GoalText end if not L10_4 then local GoalText ="Text") for I,V in next, AverageProps do GoalText[I] = V end GoalText.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(L10_Goals[4]))) L10_4 = GoalText end end if exitESP and Level ~= 10 then if not NewGoal then local GoalText ="Text") for I,V in next, AverageProps do GoalText[I] = V end GoalText.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(Goals[Level]))) NewGoal = GoalText else NewGoal.Text = string.format("Exit (%s)", math.floor(Player:DistanceFromCharacter(Goals[Level]))) NewGoal.Position = WTVP(Goals[Level]) end elseif not exitESP and NewGoal then NewGoal:Remove() NewGoal = nil end task.wait() end end)
Remember to employ a dummy account when injecting scripts. We cannot be held responsible for any potential harm caused to your Roblox account.