Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players engage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.
What is Roblox Script?
Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.
How to Use Roblox Script?
- Launch Roblox and join your desired game.
- Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the script code.
- Paste the script code into your preferred Roblox executor.
- Execute the script code and savor the enhanced experience.
--[[ WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk! ]] local Fluent = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local InterfaceManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local ESP = { Enabled = false, Boxes = true, BoxShift =, -1.5, 0), BoxSize =, 6, 0), Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), FaceCamera = true, Names = true, TeamColor = true, Thickness = 2, AttachShift = 1.5, TeamMates = true, Players = true, Objects = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"}), Overrides = {} } local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera local plrs = game:GetService("Players") local plr = plrs.LocalPlayer local mouse = plr:GetMouse() local V3new = local WorldToViewportPoint = cam.WorldToViewportPoint local function Draw(obj, props) local new = props = props or {} for i, v in pairs(props) do new[i] = v end return new end function ESP:GetTeam(p) local ov = self.Overrides.GetTeam if ov then return ov(p) end return p and p.Team end function ESP:IsTeamMate(p) local ov = self.Overrides.IsTeamMate if ov then return ov(p) end return self:GetTeam(p) == self:GetTeam(plr) end function ESP:GetColor(obj) local ov = self.Overrides.GetColor if ov then return ov(obj) end local p = self:GetPlrFromChar(obj) return p and self.TeamColor and p.Team and p.Team.TeamColor.Color or self.Color end function ESP:GetPlrFromChar(char) local ov = self.Overrides.GetPlrFromChar if ov then return ov(char) end return plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) end function ESP:Toggle(bool) self.Enabled = bool if not bool then for _, v in pairs(self.Objects) do if v.Type == "Box" then if v.Temporary then v:Remove() else for _, comp in pairs(v.Components) do comp.Visible = false end end end end end end function ESP:GetBox(obj) return self.Objects[obj] end function ESP:AddObjectListener(parent, options) local function NewListener(c) if (not options.Type or c:IsA(options.Type)) and (not options.Name or c.Name == options.Name) then if not options.Validator or options.Validator(c) then local box = ESP:Add(c, { PrimaryPart = typeof(options.PrimaryPart) == "string" and c:WaitForChild(options.PrimaryPart) or (typeof(options.PrimaryPart) == "function" and options.PrimaryPart(c)), Color = typeof(options.Color) == "function" and options.Color(c) or options.Color, ColorDynamic = options.ColorDynamic, Name = typeof(options.CustomName) == "function" and options.CustomName(c) or options.CustomName, IsEnabled = options.IsEnabled, RenderInNil = options.RenderInNil }) if options.OnAdded then coroutine.wrap(options.OnAdded)(box) end end end end if options.Recursive then parent.DescendantAdded:Connect(NewListener) for _, v in pairs(parent:GetDescendants()) do coroutine.wrap(NewListener)(v) end else parent.ChildAdded:Connect(NewListener) for _, v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do coroutine.wrap(NewListener)(v) end end end local boxBase = {} boxBase.__index = boxBase function boxBase:Remove() ESP.Objects[self.Object] = nil for _, v in pairs(self.Components) do v.Visible = false v:Remove() self.Components[_] = nil end end function boxBase:Update() if not self.PrimaryPart then return self:Remove() end local color = ESP.Highlighted == self.Object and ESP.HighlightColor or (self.Color or self.ColorDynamic and self:ColorDynamic() or ESP:GetColor(self.Object) or ESP.Color) local allow = true if ESP.Overrides.UpdateAllow and not ESP.Overrides.UpdateAllow(self) then allow = false end if self.Player and not ESP.TeamMates and ESP:IsTeamMate(self.Player) then allow = false end if self.Player and not ESP.Players then allow = false end if self.IsEnabled and (typeof(self.IsEnabled) == "string" and not ESP[self.IsEnabled] or typeof(self.IsEnabled) == "function" and not self:IsEnabled()) then allow = false end if not workspace:IsAncestorOf(self.PrimaryPart) and not self.RenderInNil then allow = false end if not allow then for _, v in pairs(self.Components) do v.Visible = false end return end local cf = self.PrimaryPart.CFrame if ESP.FaceCamera then cf =, cam.CFrame.p) end local size = self.Size local locs = { TopLeft = cf * ESP.BoxShift * / 2, size.Y / 2, 0), TopRight = cf * ESP.BoxShift * / 2, size.Y / 2, 0), BottomLeft = cf * ESP.BoxShift * / 2, -size.Y / 2, 0), BottomRight = cf * ESP.BoxShift * / 2, -size.Y / 2, 0), TagPos = cf * ESP.BoxShift *, size.Y / 2, 0), Torso = cf * ESP.BoxShift } if ESP.Boxes then local TopLeft, Vis1 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TopLeft.p) local TopRight, Vis2 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TopRight.p) local BottomLeft, Vis3 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.BottomLeft.p) local BottomRight, Vis4 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.BottomRight.p) if self.Components.Quad then if Vis1 or Vis2 or Vis3 or Vis4 then self.Components.Quad.Visible = true self.Components.Quad.PointA =, TopRight.Y) self.Components.Quad.PointB =, TopLeft.Y) self.Components.Quad.PointC =, BottomLeft.Y) self.Components.Quad.PointD =, BottomRight.Y) self.Components.Quad.Color = color else self.Components.Quad.Visible = false end end else self.Components.Quad.Visible = false end if ESP.Names then local TagPos, Vis5 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TagPos.p) if Vis5 then self.Components.Name.Visible = true self.Components.Name.Position =, TagPos.Y) self.Components.Name.Text = self.Name self.Components.Name.Color = color self.Components.Distance.Visible = true self.Components.Distance.Position =, TagPos.Y + 14) self.Components.Distance.Text = math.floor((cam.CFrame.p - cf.p).magnitude) .. "m away" self.Components.Distance.Color = color else self.Components.Name.Visible = false self.Components.Distance.Visible = false end else self.Components.Name.Visible = false self.Components.Distance.Visible = false end if ESP.Tracers then local TorsoPos, Vis6 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.Torso.p) if Vis6 then self.Components.Tracer.Visible = true self.Components.Tracer.From =, TorsoPos.Y) self.Components.Tracer.To = / 2, cam.ViewportSize.Y / ESP.AttachShift) self.Components.Tracer.Color = color else self.Components.Tracer.Visible = false end else self.Components.Tracer.Visible = false end end function ESP:Add(obj, options) if not obj.Parent and not options.RenderInNil then return warn(obj, "has no parent") end local box = setmetatable({ Name = options.Name or obj.Name, Type = "Box", Color = options.Color, Size = options.Size or self.BoxSize, Object = obj, Player = options.Player or plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj), PrimaryPart = options.PrimaryPart or (obj.ClassName == "Model" and (obj.PrimaryPart or obj:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or obj:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart"))) or (obj:IsA("BasePart") and obj), Components = {}, IsEnabled = options.IsEnabled, Temporary = options.Temporary, ColorDynamic = options.ColorDynamic, RenderInNil = options.RenderInNil }, boxBase) if self:GetBox(obj) then self:GetBox(obj):Remove() end box.Components["Quad"] = Draw("Quad", { Thickness = self.Thickness, Color = box.Color, Transparency = 1, Filled = false, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Boxes }) box.Components["Name"] = Draw("Text", { Text = box.Name, Color = box.Color, Center = true, Outline = true, Size = 19, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Names }) box.Components["Distance"] = Draw("Text", { Color = box.Color, Center = true, Outline = true, Size = 19, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Names }) box.Components["Tracer"] = Draw("Line", { Thickness = ESP.Thickness, Color = box.Color, Transparency = 1, Visible = self.Enabled and self.Tracers }) self.Objects[obj] = box obj.AncestryChanged:Connect(function(_, parent) if parent == nil and ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then box:Remove() end end) obj:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function() if obj.Parent == nil and ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then box:Remove() end end) local hum = obj:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if hum then hum.Died:Connect(function() if ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then box:Remove() end end) end return box end local function CharAdded(char) local p = plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) if not char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local ev ev = char.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c) if c.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then ev:Disconnect() ESP:Add(char, { Name = p.Name, Player = p, PrimaryPart = c }) end end) else ESP:Add(char, { Name = p.Name, Player = p, PrimaryPart = char.HumanoidRootPart }) end end local function PlayerAdded(p) p.CharacterAdded:Connect(CharAdded) if p.Character then coroutine.wrap(CharAdded)(p.Character) end end plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded) for _, v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do if v ~= plr then PlayerAdded(v) end end game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() cam = workspace.CurrentCamera for _, v in pairs(ESP.Enabled and ESP.Objects or {}) do if v.Update then local s, e = pcall(v.Update, v) if not s then warn("[EU]", e, v.Object:GetFullName()) end end end end) local Window = Fluent:CreateWindow({ Title = "Universal Hitbox Expander" .. Fluent.Version, SubTitle = "by harkin_1", TabWidth = 160, Size = UDim2.fromOffset(580, 460), Acrylic = true, Theme = "Dark", MinimizeKey = Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl }) local Tabs = { Main = Window:AddTab({ Title = "Main", Icon = "" }), Visual = Window:AddTab({ Title = "Visual", Icon = "" }), Utility = Window:AddTab({ Title = "Utility", Icon = "" }), Settings = Window:AddTab({ Title = "Settings", Icon = "settings" }), } Tabs.Visual:AddButton({ Title = "ESP", Description = "See Oily Niggers Tru Walls", Callback = function() ESP:Toggle(not ESP.Enabled) end }) local Toggle = Tabs.Visual:AddToggle("Shows NameTags", {Title = "NameTags", Default = false }) Toggle:OnChanged(function() _G.NameTags = Toggle.Value end) Toggle:SetValue(true) local Toggle = Tabs.Visual:AddToggle("Shows Team Color", {Title = "TeamColor", Default = false }) Toggle:OnChanged(function() _G.TeamColor = Toggle.Value end) Toggle:SetValue(false) local Toggle = Tabs.Visual:AddToggle("TeamCheck(excludes team)", {Title = "TeamCheck", Default = false }) Toggle:OnChanged(function() _G.TeamMater = Toggle.Value end) Toggle:SetValue(false) local Toggle = Tabs.Visual:AddToggle("Faces The Camera", {Title = "FaceCamera", Default = false }) Toggle:OnChanged(function() _G.FaceCamera = Toggle.Value end) Toggle:SetValue(true) local Colorpicker = Tabs.Visual:AddColorpicker("Colorpicker", { Title = "Color Picker", Default = Color3.fromRGB(96, 205, 255) }) Colorpicker:OnChanged(function() _G.EspColor = Colorpicker.Value end) Tabs.Utility:AddButton({ Title = "Infinite Yield", Description = "Admin Commands", Callback = function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() end }) Tabs.Utility:AddButton({ Title = "Anti Local Kick", Description = "Makes It So You Can't Get Kicked(Only 4 LocalScripts)", Callback = function() Fluent:Notify({ Title = "Pls", Content = "Ask The owner of Solara to add hookfunctiion drawing lib and a decompiler pls", Duration = 5 }) --local oldold = hookmetamethod(game,"__namecall",function(self, ...)local method = tostring(getnamecallmethod())if string.lower(method) == "kick" thenreturn wait(9e9)endreturn old(self, ...) end)-- end }) Tabs.Main:AddButton({ Title = "Expand", Description = "Toggle Hitbox Expansion", Callback = function() _G.Disabled = not _G.Disabled end }) local Colorpicker = Tabs.Main:AddColorpicker("Colorpicker", { Title = "Color Picker", Default = Color3.fromRGB(96, 205, 255) }) Colorpicker:OnChanged(function() _G.Color = Colorpicker.Value end) local Slider = Tabs.Main:AddSlider("Slider", { Title = "Hitbox Size", Description = "Adjust hitbox size", Default = 10, Min = 1, Max = 280, Rounding = 1, Callback = function(value) _G.HeadSize = value end }) Slider:SetValue(3) local Slider = Tabs.Main:AddSlider("Slider", { Title = "Hitbox Transparency", Description = "Adjust transparency", Default = 10, Min = 0, Max = 1, Rounding = 3, Callback = function(value) _G.Transparency = value end }) local Toggle = Tabs.Main:AddToggle("TeamCheck", {Title = "TeamCheck", Default = false }) Toggle:OnChanged(function() _G.TeamCheck = Toggle.Value end) Toggle:SetValue(false) _G.Color = Color3.fromRGB(69, 69, 69) _G.Disabled = true _G.Transparency = 0.5 _G.TeamCheck = false _G.NameTags = true _G.EspColor = Color3.fromRGB(69, 69, 69) _G.FaceCamera = true _G.TeamColor = true _G.TeamMater = false game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:Connect(function() if not _G.Disabled then for _, player in ipairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers()) do if player.Name ~= game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name then pcall(function() local head = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") if head then head.Size =, _G.HeadSize, _G.HeadSize) head.Transparency = _G.Transparency head.BrickColor = head.Material = "Neon" head.CanCollide = false head.Massless = true if _G.TeamCheck == true then if player.Team == game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Team then head.Size =, 1, 1) else head.Size =, _G.HeadSize, _G.HeadSize) if player.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0 or 1 then head.Size =, 1, 1) else head.Size =, _G.HeadSize, _G.HeadSize) end end end end end) end end end end) SaveManager:SetLibrary(Fluent) InterfaceManager:SetLibrary(Fluent) SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings() SaveManager:SetIgnoreIndexes({}) InterfaceManager:SetFolder("FluentScriptHub") SaveManager:SetFolder("FluentScriptHub/specific-game") InterfaceManager:BuildInterfaceSection(Tabs.Settings) SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs.Settings) Window:SelectTab(1) SaveManager:LoadAutoloadConfig() Fluent:Notify({ Title = "Yes", Content = "The script has been loaded", Duration = 10 })
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