Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players engage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.
What is Roblox Script?
Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.
How to Use Roblox Script?
- Launch Roblox and join your desired game.
- Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the script code.
- Paste the script code into your preferred Roblox executor.
- Execute the script code and savor the enhanced experience.
--[[ WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk! ]] --[[ Instruction for script: Description Mode - only 1-4 mods Description Text - text which will be automated in ur desc Desc Modes: Mode 1 - default typing Mode 2 - erase typing Mode 3 - glitchy Mode 4 - backward typing --]] -- Please wait for the cerdit panel its coming soon :) local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() Window = Library.Main("WLF3 syr0nix5257", "F5") local Tab = Window.NewTab("Main Tab") local Section = Tab.NewSection("ReSpawners") local Section2 = Tab.NewSection("BE FREE") local function createButton(section, name, arg1, arg2) local args = { [1] = arg1, [2] = arg2, [3] = "\230\139\154\230\136\172i\235\156\146(\238\138\155\201\172XD" } section.NewButton(name, function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) end local ageButtons = { "Adult", "Pup", "Newborn" } for _, age in pairs(ageButtons) do createButton(Section, age, "Age", age) end createButton(Section2, "Wings", "Wings", 0) createButton(Section2, "Ocean Skin", "Ocean", 0) createButton(Section2, "Dragon skin", "Dragon", 0) createButton(Section2, "Remove Wings", "Wings", 1) createButton(Section2, "Remove Ocean skin", "Ocean", 1) createButton(Section2, "Remove Dragon skin", "Dragon", 1) local Tab = Window.NewTab("VIW") local Section = Tab.NewSection("Wana Be VIW") local Button = Section.NewButton("VIW TAG", function() game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("AddVIWTag", nil, "\230\139\154\230\136\172i\235\156\146(\238\138\155\201\172XD") end) local Audioplayer = Section.Newtextbox('Enter Audio ID here', function(self, value) local id = tonumber(value) if id then game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("PlayMusic", id, "\230\139\154\230\136\172i\235\156\146(\238\138\155\201\172XD") end end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Stop Music", function() game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("StopMusic", nil, "\230\139\154\230\136\172i\235\156\146(\238\138\155\201\172XD") end) _G.autoaudiomute = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Mute VIW Music", function(bool) _G.autoaudiomute = not _G.autoaudiomute while _G.autoaudiomute do task.wait() for _, v in next, game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers() do if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.Character and v.Character.Parent ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart'):FindFirstChild('RadioM') then v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart'):FindFirstChild('RadioM'):Stop() v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart'):FindFirstChild('RadioM').Playing = false end end end end) --Made by: Flixz_y and Colby _G.SpamLights = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("SpamLights!", function(bool) if _G.SpamLights then _G.SpamLights = false return else _G.SpamLights = true end while _G.SpamLights do for _, L in next, workspace.Models:GetDescendants() do if L:IsA("ClickDetector") then fireclickdetector(L) end end task.wait(0.1) end end) local Button = Section.NewButton("RTX", function() --made by Colby :D local sunrays = game.Lighting.SunRays local s ="DepthOfFieldEffect") local a = game.Lighting.Atmosphere game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 50) game.Lighting.Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(20, 20, 20) sunrays.Intensity = 0.1 s.FarIntensity = 0.20 s.FocusDistance = 0.05 s.InFocusRadius = 15 s.NearIntensity = 0.75 s.Parent = game.Lighting sunrays.Parent = game.Lighting a.Density = .1 a.Haze = 0 a.Glare = 1 a.Offset = 0 a.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(159, 43, 104) print("Rtx Enabled") end) local Button = Section.NewButton("FPS BOOSTER", function() local decalsyeeted = true local game = game local workspace = game.Workspace local lighting = game.Lighting local terrain = workspace.Terrain terrain.WaterWaveSize = 0 terrain.WaterWaveSpeed = 0 terrain.WaterReflectance = 0 terrain.WaterTransparency = 0 lighting.GlobalShadows = false lighting.FogEnd = 9e9 lighting.Brightness = 0 settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = "Level01" for _, object in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do if object:IsA("Part") or object:IsA("Union") or object:IsA("MeshPart") then object.Material = "Plastic" object.Reflectance = 0 elseif object:IsA("Decal") and decalsyeeted then object.Transparency = 1 elseif object:IsA("ParticleEmitter") or object:IsA("Trail") then object.Lifetime = end end end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Remove Name tags", function() local args = { [1] = "ChangeDesc", [2] = "", [3] = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151\153" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "ChangeName", [2] = "", [3] = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151\153" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.NameTag.Main.Pack:remove() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.NameTag.Main.VIW:remove() end) local timergb, RBW_COL = 7 rgb1 = game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:Connect(function() local hue = tick() % timergb / timergb RBW_COL = Color3.fromHSV(hue, 1, 1) end) _G.cocktuning = { dmod = 1, -- mode 1-4 desc = 'Example Title', -- auto description text wait = .2, -- text type speed wait2 = .8, -- time wait after done typing for other mods wait3 = .4 -- time wait after done typing for mode 3 } local text_ = Section.Newtextbox('Description Text', function(self, value) _G.cocktuning.desc = value end) local mode_ = Section.Newtextbox('Description Mode', function(self, value) if tonumber(value) ~= nil then _G.cocktuning.dmod = tonumber(value) end end) --[[ Usage: to change mod or text u should just change in _G.cocktuning Example: dmod = 2, desc = 'SOME ANOTHER TEXT TO WHAT U WANT' DO NOT TOUCH FUCKING WAITS IN _G.cocktuning IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN!! Cause I don't want to be like sucker when y'all use my script wrongly.. :sob: Mady by: Unix Included to syronix script. --]] _G.PROVODASUKAB = false local cfg = { key = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151" .. "\153", eventname = "ChangeDesc", mk = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') } local Button = Section.NewToggle("Auto Description", function() if _G.PROVODASUKAB then _G.PROVODASUKAB = false return else _G.PROVODASUKAB = true end while _G.PROVODASUKAB do if _G.cocktuning.dmod == 1 then for i = 1, #_G.cocktuning.desc do if not _G.PROVODASUKAB or _G.cocktuning.dmod ~= 1 then continue; end task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait) local args = { [1] = cfg.eventname, [2] = string.sub(_G.cocktuning.desc, 1, i) .. '|', [3] = cfg.key } end ; task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait2) elseif _G.cocktuning.dmod == 2 then for i = 1, #_G.cocktuning.desc do if not _G.PROVODASUKAB or _G.cocktuning.dmod ~= 2 then continue; end task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait) local args = { [1] = cfg.eventname, [2] = string.sub(_G.cocktuning.desc, 1, #_G.cocktuning.desc - i) .. '|', [3] = cfg.key } end ; task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait2) elseif _G.cocktuning.dmod == 3 then for i = 1, #_G.cocktuning.desc do if not _G.PROVODASUKAB or _G.cocktuning.dmod ~= 3 then continue; end task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait) local fakea = _G.cocktuning.desc; fakea = string.sub(_G.cocktuning.desc, math.random(1, #fakea), math.random(1, #fakea) - i) .. '|' local args = { [1] = cfg.eventname, [2] = fakea, [3] = cfg.key } end ; task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait3) elseif _G.cocktuning.dmod == 4 then for i = 1, #_G.cocktuning.desc do if not _G.PROVODASUKAB or _G.cocktuning.dmod ~= 4 then continue; end task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait) local args = { [1] = cfg.eventname, [2] = '|' .. string.sub(_G.cocktuning.desc, #_G.cocktuning.desc - i, #_G.cocktuning.desc), [3] = cfg.key } end end ; task.wait(_G.cocktuning.wait2) end end) local Tab = Window.NewTab("Admin") local Section = Tab.NewSection("Wana Be Admin") local Button = Section.NewButton("Remove Anti Cheat", function() local Players = game:GetService("Players") for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do local gui = player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") if gui then local morphGUI = gui:FindFirstChild("MorphGUI") if morphGUI then morphGUI:Destroy() else print("MorphGUI not found for player "..player.Name) end else print("PlayerGui not found for player "..player.Name) end end game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 19.7494831, -117.529419, -0.997552693, 0.00699939113, -0.0695673227, -1.71995453e-05, 0.994952023, 0.100351952, 0.0699185431, 0.100107551, -0.992516994) warn("Anti Cheat has been bypass there are still admins use at your own risk SYR0NIX :)") local ChatGui ="ScreenGui") local Frame ="Frame") local LogPanel ="ScrollingFrame") local Close ="TextButton") local Mini ="TextButton") local Log ="TextButton") local title ="TextLabel") local UIListLayoutt ="UIListLayout", LogPanel) UIListLayoutt.VerticalAlignment = "Bottom" UIListLayoutt.Padding =, 0) ChatGui.Name = "ChatGui" ChatGui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui ChatGui.ResetOnSpawn = false Frame.Parent = ChatGui Frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) Frame.BorderSizePixel = 0 Frame.Position =, 0, 0.565217376, 0) Frame.Size =, 600, 0, 400) Frame.Active = true Frame.Draggable = true LogPanel.Name = "LogPanel" LogPanel.Parent = Frame LogPanel.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) LogPanel.BorderColor3 =, 0.223529, 0.223529) LogPanel.Position =, 0, 0.0625, 0) LogPanel.Size =, 0, 0.875, 0) LogPanel.ScrollBarThickness = 5 LogPanel.ScrollingEnabled = true LogPanel.CanvasSize =, 0, 100, 0) Close.Name = "Close" Close.Parent = Frame Close.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Close.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Close.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Close.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) Close.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Close.Text = "Close" Close.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) Close.TextSize = 14 Mini.Name = "Mini" Mini.Parent = Frame Mini.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Mini.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Mini.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Mini.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) Mini.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Mini.Text = "Minimize" Mini.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) Mini.TextSize = 14 Log.Name = "Log" Log.Parent = Frame Log.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Log.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Log.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Log.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) Log.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Log.Text = "Log Chat [ON]" Log.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) Log.TextSize = 14 title.Name = "title" title.Parent = Frame title.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 title.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) title.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans title.Text = "Syr0nix Chat GUI" title.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) title.TextSize = 14 title.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left local ChatBox ="TextBox") ChatBox.Name = "ChatBox" ChatBox.Parent = Frame ChatBox.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) ChatBox.Position =, 0, 0.9375, 0) ChatBox.PlaceholderText = "Type your message here..." ChatBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false ChatBox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans ChatBox.TextSize = 14 ChatBox.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) ChatBox.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 ChatBox.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) ChatBox.BorderSizePixel = 0 local logging = true local minimized = false Log.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() logging = not logging if logging then Log.Text = "Log Chat [ON]" else Log.Text = "Log Chat [OFF]" end end) Mini.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() if minimized then LogPanel:TweenSize(, 600, 0, 350), "InOut", "Sine", 0.5, false, nil) else LogPanel:TweenSize(, 600, 0, 0), "InOut", "Sine", 0.5, false, nil) end minimized = not minimized end) Close.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() ChatGui:Destroy() end) local prevOutputPos = 0 function output(plr, msg) if not logging then return end local colour = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) if string.sub(msg, 1, 1) == ":" or string.sub(msg, 1, 1) == ";" then colour = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 2) == "/w" or string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/whisper" or string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/team" or string.sub(msg, 1, 2) == "/t" then colour = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255) else colour = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end local o ="TextLabel", LogPanel) o.Text = plr.Name .. ": " .. msg o.Size =, 0, .003, 0) o.Position =, 0, .007 + prevOutputPos, 0) o.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansSemibold o.TextColor3 = colour o.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 o.BackgroundTransparency = 0 o.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) o.BorderSizePixel = 0 o.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) o.FontSize = "Size14" o.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left o.ClipsDescendants = true prevOutputPos = prevOutputPos + 0.003 end for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do v.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) output(v, msg) end) end game.Players.ChildAdded:Connect(function(plr) if plr:IsA("Player") then plr.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) output(plr, msg) end) end end) ChatBox.FocusLost:Connect(function(enterPressed) if enterPressed then local message = ChatBox.Text ChatBox.Text = "" game.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(message, "All") end end) end) local NAME = '' local BringButton = Section.NewButton("Bring Player", function() local playerToBring = findPlayer(NAME) if playerToBring then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CarryNewborn:FireServer(playerToBring) wait(0.2) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 19.7494831, -117.529419, -0.997552693, 0.00699939113, -0.0695673227, -1.71995453e-05, 0.994952023, 0.100351952, 0.0699185431, 0.100107551, -0.992516994) wait(0.2) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CarryNewborn:FireServer("Kick Eggs") wait(0.2) end end) function playerCheck(p) if type(p) == 'boolean' or p == nil then return false end if game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(p) then return game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(p) end end function findPlayer(name) local nameLower = string.lower(name) local bestMatch = nil local bestMatchScore = math.huge for _, p in next, game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers() do local pn = string.lower(p.Name) local pd = string.lower(p.DisplayName) local score1 = levenshtein(nameLower, pn) local score2 = levenshtein(nameLower, pd) local score = math.min(score1, score2) if score < bestMatchScore then bestMatchScore = score bestMatch = p end end return bestMatch end function levenshtein(str1, str2) local len1, len2 = #str1, #str2 local matrix = {} for i = 0, len1 do matrix[i] = { [0] = i } end for j = 0, len2 do matrix[0][j] = j end for j = 1, len2 do for i = 1, len1 do if (str1:byte(i) == str2:byte(j)) then matrix[i][j] = matrix[i - 1][j - 1] else matrix[i][j] = math.min(matrix[i - 1][j], matrix[i][j - 1], matrix[i - 1][j - 1]) + 1 end end end return matrix[len1][len2] end local plr = Section.Newtextbox('Player Name', function(self, value) local _plr = findPlayer(value) if _plr then NAME = _plr.Name self.Text = NAME end end) game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() -- code to run when a new player joins the game and their character dies -- for example, you could reset the NAME variable to the new player's name: NAME = player.Name -- or you could call the BringButton function to bring the new player: BringButton() end) end) end) for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() -- code to run when an existing player's character dies -- for example, you could reset the NAME variable to the existing player's name: NAME = player.Name -- or you could call the BringButton function to bring the existing player: BringButton() end) end) end local function createButton(name, url) Section.NewButton(name, function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(url, true))() end) end local buttons = { { "fates admin", "" }, { "Homebrew Admin", '' }, { "Inf Yeld", '' }, { "Server Browser GUI", '' }, { "Server ID Joiner GUI", '' } } table.sort(buttons, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) for _, button in pairs(buttons) do createButton(button[1], button[2]) end local Button = Section.NewButton("Chat Logger", function() local ChatGui ="ScreenGui") local Frame ="Frame") local LogPanel ="ScrollingFrame") local Close ="TextButton") local Mini ="TextButton") local Log ="TextButton") local title ="TextLabel") local UIListLayoutt ="UIListLayout", LogPanel) UIListLayoutt.VerticalAlignment = "Bottom" UIListLayoutt.Padding =, 0) ChatGui.Name = "ChatGui" ChatGui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui ChatGui.ResetOnSpawn = false Frame.Parent = ChatGui Frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) Frame.BorderSizePixel = 0 Frame.Position =, 0, 0.565217376, 0) Frame.Size =, 600, 0, 400) Frame.Active = true Frame.Draggable = true LogPanel.Name = "LogPanel" LogPanel.Parent = Frame LogPanel.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) LogPanel.BorderColor3 =, 0.223529, 0.223529) LogPanel.Position =, 0, 0.0625, 0) LogPanel.Size =, 0, 0.875, 0) LogPanel.ScrollBarThickness = 5 LogPanel.ScrollingEnabled = true LogPanel.CanvasSize =, 0, 100, 0) Close.Name = "Close" Close.Parent = Frame Close.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Close.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Close.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Close.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) Close.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Close.Text = "Close" Close.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) Close.TextSize = 14 Mini.Name = "Mini" Mini.Parent = Frame Mini.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Mini.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Mini.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Mini.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) Mini.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Mini.Text = "Minimize" Mini.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) Mini.TextSize = 14 Log.Name = "Log" Log.Parent = Frame Log.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Log.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Log.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Log.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) Log.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Log.Text = "Log Chat [ON]" Log.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) Log.TextSize = 14 title.Name = "title" title.Parent = Frame title.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 title.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) title.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans title.Text = "Syr0nix Chat GUI" title.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) title.TextSize = 14 title.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left local ChatBox ="TextBox") ChatBox.Name = "ChatBox" ChatBox.Parent = Frame ChatBox.Size =, 0, 0.0625, 0) ChatBox.Position =, 0, 0.9375, 0) ChatBox.PlaceholderText = "Type your message here..." ChatBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false ChatBox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans ChatBox.TextSize = 14 ChatBox.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) ChatBox.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 ChatBox.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) ChatBox.BorderSizePixel = 0 local logging = true local minimized = false Log.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() logging = not logging if logging then Log.Text = "Log Chat [ON]" else Log.Text = "Log Chat [OFF]" end end) Mini.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() if minimized then LogPanel:TweenSize(, 600, 0, 350), "InOut", "Sine", 0.5, false, nil) else LogPanel:TweenSize(, 600, 0, 0), "InOut", "Sine", 0.5, false, nil) end minimized = not minimized end) Close.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() ChatGui:Destroy() end) local prevOutputPos = 0 function output(plr, msg) if not logging then return end local colour = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) if string.sub(msg, 1, 1) == ":" or string.sub(msg, 1, 1) == ";" then colour = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 2) == "/w" or string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/whisper" or string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/team" or string.sub(msg, 1, 2) == "/t" then colour = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255) else colour = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end local o ="TextLabel", LogPanel) o.Text = plr.Name .. ": " .. msg o.Size =, 0, .003, 0) o.Position =, 0, .007 + prevOutputPos, 0) o.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansSemibold o.TextColor3 = colour o.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 o.BackgroundTransparency = 0 o.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) o.BorderSizePixel = 0 o.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) o.FontSize = "Size14" o.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left o.ClipsDescendants = true prevOutputPos = prevOutputPos + 0.003 end for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do v.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) output(v, msg) end) end game.Players.ChildAdded:Connect(function(plr) if plr:IsA("Player") then plr.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) output(plr, msg) end) end end) ChatBox.FocusLost:Connect(function(enterPressed) if enterPressed then local message = ChatBox.Text ChatBox.Text = "" game.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(message, "All") end end) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("CTRL + Click TP", function() local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() function GetCharacter() return game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character end function Teleport(pos) local Char = GetCharacter() if Char then Char:MoveTo(pos) end end UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then Teleport(Mouse.Hit.p) end end) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Teleport all", function() local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local carryNewborn = replicatedStorage.CarryNewborn local masterKey = replicatedStorage.MasterKey local players = game.Players:GetChildren() for i, v in ipairs(players) do carryNewborn:FireServer(v) wait(0.2) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 19.7494831, -117.529419, -0.997552693, 0.00699939113, -0.0695673227, -1.71995453e-05, 0.994952023, 0.100351952, 0.0699185431, 0.100107551, -0.992516994) wait(0.2) carryNewborn:FireServer("Kick Eggs") wait(0.2) end end) local Button = Section.NewButton("INF CASH", function() local args = { [1] = "Coins", [2] = math.huge, [3] = "\226\135\154\225\155\157i\220\176\219\173\230\155\157u" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Anti Fling", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))(); end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Anti pick up", function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Request:Destroy(); end) _G.AntiAFK = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Anti AFK", function(bool) if _G.AntiAFK then _G.AntiAFK = false print("Anti AFK Is Disabled") return else _G.AntiAFK = true end print("Anti AFK Is Enable") local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() vu:Button2Down(, 0), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) wait(1) vu:Button2Up(, 0), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) end) end) local Tab = Window.NewTab("Local OC") local Section = Tab.NewSection("Be Creative") function playerCheck(p) if type(p) == 'boolean' or p == nil then return false end if game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(p) then return game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(p) end end local function findPlayer(name) for _, p in next, game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers() do local pn = string.lower(p.Name) local pd = string.lower(p.DisplayName) if (string.sub(name, 1, #name) == string.sub(pn, 1, #name) or string.sub(name, 1, #name) == string.sub(pd, 1, #name)) then return p end end return false end local NAME, USER = '', nil local plr = Section.Newtextbox('Player Name', function(self, value) local find = findPlayer(value) if find then NAME, USER = find.Name, find self.Text = find.Name else self.Text = 'User not found' end end) local copyWolfVars = { HairF = { ["Long"] = '1.1634', ["Spiky"] = '0.53845', ["Swiped Back"] = '0.71497', ["Punk"] = '0.57207', ["Lonely Woof"] = '1.0990', ["Ewooftional"] = '1.0871', ["Braided"] = '1.3539', ["Scene"] = '0.94984', ["Curly"] = '1.1623', ["Long straight"] = '1.1057', ["Bed Head"] = '1.2428', ["Emo-Punk"] = '0.74069', ["Spiky Punk"] = '0.54955', ["Short Spiky"] = '1.4760', ["Long Spiky"] = '1.4688', ["Sidecut"] = '1.2984', ["Long Sidecut"] = '0.74951', ["Extreme-Edge"] = '1.1373' }, TorsoF = { ["Swords"] = '2.3725', ["Cape"] = '1.6089', ["Guitar"] = '1.7366', ["Medic"] = '0.2127', ["Flower"] = '1.1194', ["Rope"] = '1.2306', ["RippedShirt"] = '1.1532', ["Bags"] = '1.2729', ["SwordSet1"] = '0.21984', ["SwordSet2"] = '3.3593', ["Sword1"] = '0.24967', ["Sword2"] = '0.080584', ["Chains"] = '1.2260', ["Leaves"] = '1.473', ["Backpack"] = '1.2158', ["Scars"] = '0.73279' }, FeetF = { ["Slider Bracelets"] = '0.49548', ["Cross Bracelets"] = '0.48346', ["Winter Boots"] = '0.56080', ["Leaves"] = '0.6', ["Double Bracelets"] = '0.36447' }, fluffs = { 'ChestFluff', 'BackFluff', 'EarFluff', 'JawFluff', 'TailFluff', 'LegFluff', 'Fat', 'ChubbyCheeks' } } local VARS = { _fKEY = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151" .. "\153", _tKEY = "\230\139\154\230\136\172i\235\156\146(\238\138\155\201\172XD", } Section.NewButton('Copy Wolf', function() local _acesory = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Accessories local _maKEY = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').MasterKey local _maKEY2 = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').MasterKey2 local plr = playerCheck(NAME) if plr then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local char = plr.Character or false local spchar = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character or false local head = char and char:FindFirstChild('Head') or false local sphead = spchar and spchar:FindFirstChild('Head') or false local nmt = head and head:FindFirstChild('NameTag') or false local spnmt = sphead and sphead:FindFirstChild('NameTag') or false local mnt = nmt and nmt:FindFirstChild('Main') or false local spmnt = spnmt and spnmt:FindFirstChild('Main') or false if spchar and sphead and char and head then local function arg(a, b, v) if a == 1 then return unpack { [1] = "customize", [2] = { [1] = v.Name }, [3] = v.Color, [4] = "Body" } elseif a == 2 then return unpack { [1] = v, [2] = b, [3] = VARS._tKEY } elseif a == 3 then return unpack { [1] = "Material", [2] = v.Material, [3] = { [1] = v.Name } } end end _acesory:FireServer("remove", 'HairF') _acesory:FireServer("remove", 'TorsoF') _acesory:FireServer("remove", 'FeetF') task.wait() _maKEY2:FireServer("LeavePack") if (mnt and mnt:FindFirstChild('Pack') and mnt:FindFirstChild('Pack').Text ~= 'No Pack') then task.delay(.4, function() local args = { [1] = "CreatePack", [2] = mnt:FindFirstChild('Pack') and mnt:FindFirstChild('Pack').Text .. '' or false } if (mnt:FindFirstChild('Pack') and mnt:FindFirstChild('Pack').Text:sub(1, 8) == '[ALPHA] ') then args[2] = args[2]:sub(8, #args[2]) .. '' end _maKEY2:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) end if (mnt and mnt:FindFirstChild('Username')) then _maKEY:FireServer("ChangeName", mnt:FindFirstChild('Username') and mnt:FindFirstChild('Username').Text or false, VARS._fKEY) end if (mnt and mnt:FindFirstChild('Description')) then _maKEY:FireServer("ChangeDesc", mnt:FindFirstChild('Description') and mnt:FindFirstChild('Description').Text or false, VARS ._fKEY) end if not mnt then task.wait(.1) _maKEY:FireServer("ChangeName", string.rep('HERE\nBYTE\n', 200), VARS._fKEY) _maKEY:FireServer("ChangeDesc", string.rep('HERE\nBYTE\n', 200), VARS._fKEY) _maKEY2:FireServer("CreatePack", string.rep('e\n\n', 15)) end if char:FindFirstChild("RightWing3") and char:FindFirstChild("RightWing3").Transparency == 0 then _maKEY:FireServer(arg(2, 0, 'Wings')) else _maKEY:FireServer(arg(2, 1, 'Wings')) end if char:FindFirstChild("OceanPrimary") and char:FindFirstChild("OceanPrimary").Transparency == 0 then _maKEY:FireServer(arg(2, 0, 'Ocean')) else _maKEY:FireServer(arg(2, 1, 'Ocean')) end if char:FindFirstChild("DragonThird") and char:FindFirstChild("DragonThird").Transparency == 0 then _maKEY:FireServer(arg(2, 0, 'Dragon')) else _maKEY:FireServer(arg(2, 1, 'Dragon')) end if char:FindFirstChild('HairF') then for c, v in next, char:FindFirstChild('HairF'):children() do if v:IsA('BasePart') then for b, a in next, copyWolfVars.HairF do if tostring(v.Size.X):sub(1, #a) == a then _acesory:FireServer('HairF', b) task.wait(.1) _maKEY:FireServer("Accessories", v.Color) _maKEY:FireServer("AccessoryMaterial", v.Material, "HairF") break end end end end end if char:FindFirstChild('TorsoF') then for c, v in next, char:FindFirstChild('TorsoF'):children() do if v:IsA('BasePart') or v.Name:find('Color1') then for b, a in next, copyWolfVars.TorsoF do if tostring(v.Size.X):sub(1, #a) == a then task.wait(.25) _acesory:FireServer('TorsoF', b) task.wait(.1) _maKEY:FireServer("Accessories", v.Color) _maKEY:FireServer("AccessoryMaterial", v.Material, "TorsoF") break end end end end end if char:FindFirstChild('FeetF') then for c, v in next, char:FindFirstChild('FeetF'):children() do if v:IsA('BasePart') or v.Name:find('Hat') then for b, a in next, copyWolfVars.FeetF do if tostring(v.Size.X):sub(1, #a) == a then task.wait(.25) _acesory:FireServer('FeetF', b) task.wait(.1) _maKEY:FireServer("Accessories", v.Color) _maKEY:FireServer("AccessoryMaterial", v.Material, "FeetF") break end end end end end for _, f in next, char:children() do if table.find(copyWolfVars.fluffs, f.Name) then if f:IsA('BasePart') then if f.Transparency == 0 then _maKEY:FireServer("Fluff", f.Name, 0) else _maKEY:FireServer("Fluff", f.Name, 1) end end end end for _, v in next, char:GetChildren() do if v:IsA('BasePart') then _maKEY:FireServer("customize", { [1] = v.Name }, v.Color, "Body") _maKEY:FireServer("Material", v.Material, { [1] = v.Name }) end end end end)) end end) local enableSeats = Section.NewButton('Enable Sit', function() if USER then for i, v in pairs(USER.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA('Seat') then v.Disabled = false end end end end) local function createButton(name, arg1, arg2) local args if arg1 == "LoadFile1Colours" or arg1 == "SaveFile1Colours" then args = { [1] = arg1, [2] = arg2, [3] = "\195\137,\203\1561\194\181\195\154+t\226\149\165\195\1304\194\180\195\134\195\138\226\134\168\226\149\147" } else args = { [1] = arg1, [2] = arg2 } end Section.NewButton(name, function() if arg1 == "Female" or arg1 == "Male" then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) else game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Save:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end end) end createButton("Female", "Female") createButton("Male", "Male") for i = 1, 3 do createButton("File " .. i, "LoadFile1Colours", tostring(i)) createButton("Save " .. i, "SaveFile1Colours", tostring(i)) end local Button = Section.NewButton("Explorer", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))(); end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Syr0nix Custom", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))(); end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Block Me", function() for _, v in next, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:children() do if v:IsA 'BasePart' and v.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart' then game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", v.Name, 1) elseif v:IsA 'BasePart' and v.Name == 'HumanoidRootPart' then game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", v.Name, 0) end end end) local Tab = Window.NewTab("presets") local Section = Tab.NewSection("presets") local Button = Section.NewButton("ghost wolf", function() local char = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character for i, v in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do if (v.Name == 'HumanoidRootPart' or v:IsA('Seat') or v.Name:find 'Tooth' or v.Name == 'JawWeldPart' or v.Name:find 'Toungue') then game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", v.Name, 1) elseif v:IsA('BasePart') and v.Transparency == 0 then game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", v.Name, .8) end end end) local Button = Section.NewButton("scary face", function() local args = { [1] = "remove", [2] = "HairF" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Accessories"):FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "remove", [2] = "TorsoF" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Accessories"):FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "remove", [2] = "PiercingsF" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Accessories"):FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "remove", [2] = "FeetF" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Accessories"):FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Back", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightCarpal", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftCarpal", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "NeckReal", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "BackFluff", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "ChestFluff", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Claws", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "DragonClaws", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "DragonPrimary", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "DragonSecondary", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "DragonThird", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "EarFluff", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "EyeColor", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "EyeLid", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Fat", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Gum", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Head", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Hip", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "HumanoidRootPart", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "InsideEars", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Jaw", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "JawFluff", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftArm", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftArmPaw", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftEar", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftFootPaw", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Leftleg", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftLowerArm", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftLowerLeg", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftShoulder", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftThigh", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftWing2", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftWing3", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftWingStart", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LegFluff", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Muzzle", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Neck", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Nose", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "OceanPrimary", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "OceanSecondary", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Pads", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Pupils", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightArm", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightArmPaw", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightEar", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightFootPaw", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightLeg", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightLowerArm", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightLowerLeg", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightShoulder", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightThigh", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightWing2", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightWing3", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "RightWingStart", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Secondary", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tail5", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tail6", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "TailFluff", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Torso", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "White", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "lash", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tail1", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tail2", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tail3", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tail5", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "LeftLeg", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "ChubbyCheeks", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Toungue2", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Toungue1", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Eyebrow2", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Eyebrow1", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tooth", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "UpperTooth", [3] = 1 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "White", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "EyeColor", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Pupils", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Toungue1", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Toungue2", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Nose", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "UpperTooth", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = "Fluff", [2] = "Tooth", [3] = 0 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) task.wait(0.1) end) local function fireMasterKey(partName, color, advanced) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(partName, color, advanced) end local function removeAccessory(accessoryName) local removeAction = "remove" local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Accessories event:FireServer(removeAction, accessoryName) end local Button = Section.NewButton("Big DADY Cock", function() --code was made by Say10 aka Colby Cleaned by Syr0nix for _, part in next, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:children() do if part:IsA 'BasePart' and part.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart' then game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", part.Name, 1) end end game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", "Torso", 0) game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", "LeftThigh", 0) game.ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey:FireServer("Fluff", "RightThigh", 0) removeAccessory("HairF") local torsoColor =, 0.737255, 0.627451) fireMasterKey("Torso", torsoColor, "Advanced") local thighColor =, 0.737255, 0.627451) fireMasterKey("LeftThigh", thighColor, "Advanced") fireMasterKey("RightThigh", thighColor, "Advanced") local neckColor =, 0, 0) fireMasterKey("NeckReal", neckColor, "Advanced") end) local Button = Section.NewButton("White Eyes", function() local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local MasterKey = ReplicatedStorage.MasterKey local function customize(part, color) local args = {"customize",{part},color,"Body"} MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) end customize("Pupils",, 1, 1)) customize("EyeColor",, 1, 1)) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("all ForceField", function() local Mat = "ForceField" local Hair = { "AccessoryMaterial", Mat, "HairF" } local Torso = { "AccessoryMaterial", Mat, "TorsoF" } local Legs = { "AccessoryMaterial", Mat, "FeetF" } local SecondaryArgs = { "Material", Mat, { "DragonSecondary", "OceanSecondary", "ChubbyCheeks", "Fat", "EarFluff", "JawFluff", "ChestFluff", "LegFluff", "Eyebrow1", "Eyebrow2", "Secondary", "Jaw", "RightShoulder", "RightLowerLeg", "RightLowerArm", "RightLeg", "RightFootPaw", "LeftArm", "LeftArmPaw", "LeftCarpal", "LeftFootPaw", "LeftLeg", "LeftLowerArm", "LeftLowerLeg", "LeftShoulder", "RightArm", "RightArmPaw", "RightCarpal", "DragonThird" } } local PrimaryArgs = { "Material", Mat, { "DragonPrimary", "OceanPrimary", "BackFluff", "TailFluff", "LeftWingStart", "LeftWing2", "LeftWing3", "RightWingStart", "RightWing2", "RightWing3", "EyeLid", "Torso", "Tail1", "Tail2", "Tail3", "Tail5", "Tail6", "RightThigh", "RightEar", "EyeLid", "Head", "Hip", "LeftEar", "LeftThigh", "Muzzle", "Neck", "NeckReal", "Nose" } } local MasterKey = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(Hair)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(Torso)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(Legs)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(SecondaryArgs)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(PrimaryArgs)) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("all neon", function() local Mat = "Neon" local Hair = { "AccessoryMaterial", Mat, "HairF" } local Torso = { "AccessoryMaterial", Mat, "TorsoF" } local Legs = { "AccessoryMaterial", Mat, "FeetF" } local SecondaryArgs = { "Material", Mat, { "DragonSecondary", "OceanSecondary", "ChubbyCheeks", "Fat", "EarFluff", "JawFluff", "ChestFluff", "LegFluff", "Eyebrow1", "Eyebrow2", "Secondary", "Jaw", "RightShoulder", "RightLowerLeg", "RightLowerArm", "RightLeg", "RightFootPaw", "LeftArm", "LeftArmPaw", "LeftCarpal", "LeftFootPaw", "LeftLeg", "LeftLowerArm", "LeftLowerLeg", "LeftShoulder", "RightArm", "RightArmPaw", "RightCarpal", "DragonThird" } } local PrimaryArgs = { "Material", Mat, { "DragonPrimary", "OceanPrimary", "BackFluff", "TailFluff", "LeftWingStart", "LeftWing2", "LeftWing3", "RightWingStart", "RightWing2", "RightWing3", "EyeLid", "Torso", "Tail1", "Tail2", "Tail3", "Tail5", "Tail6", "RightThigh", "RightEar", "EyeLid", "Head", "Hip", "LeftEar", "LeftThigh", "Muzzle", "Neck", "NeckReal", "Nose" } } local MasterKey = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(Hair)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(Torso)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(Legs)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(SecondaryArgs)) MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(PrimaryArgs)) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Neon Toungue", function() --Made by syr0nix local args = { [1] = "Material", [2] = "Neon", [3] = { [29] = "Toungue1", [30] = "Toungue2" } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) _G.Rainbowwings = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Rainbow wings", function(bool) _G.Rainbowwings = not _G.Rainbowwings if _G.Rainbowwings then local Mat = "Neon" local SecondaryArgs = { [1] = "Material", [2] = Mat, [3] = { [1] = "DragonThird", [2] = "DragonPrimary", [3] = "OceanPrimary", [4] = "Nose", [5] = "EyeColor", } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(SecondaryArgs)) local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') while _G.Rainbowwings do task.wait() local h, s, v = RBW_COL:ToHSV() h = (h + 0.001) % 1 RBW_COL = Color3.fromHSV(h, s, v) mk1:FireServer("customize", { [1] = "EyeColor", [2] = "Nose", [3] = "DragonPrimary", [4] = "DragonThird", [5] = "OceanPrimary", },, RBW_COL.G, RBW_COL.B), "Body") end end end, false) _G.Rainbowwingsflash = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("RGB Wings Flash", function(bool) _G.Rainbowwingsflash = not _G.Rainbowwingsflash if _G.Rainbowwingsflash then local Mat = "Neon" local SecondaryArgs = { [1] = "Material", [2] = Mat, [3] = { [1] = "DragonThird", [2] = "DragonPrimary", [3] = "OceanPrimary", [4] = "Nose", [5] = "EyeColor", } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(SecondaryArgs)) local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') -- Define the colors to fade between local colors = {, 0, 0),, 1, 0),, 0, 1) } local colorIndex = 1 while _G.Rainbowwingsflash do -- Get the current and next color local currentColor = colors[colorIndex] local nextColorIndex = colorIndex % #colors + 1 local nextColor = colors[nextColorIndex] -- Interpolate between the current and next color for i = 0, 1, 1 do local color = currentColor:lerp(nextColor, i) mk1:FireServer("customize", { [1] = "EyeColor", [2] = "Nose", [3] = "DragonPrimary", [4] = "DragonThird", [5] = "OceanPrimary", }, color, "Body") task.wait(0.02) -- Increase the wait time to slow down the color change end -- Move to the next color colorIndex = nextColorIndex end end end, false) _G.MonoChromeWingsFade = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("MonoChrome Wings Fade", function(bool) _G.MonoChromeWingsFade = not _G.MonoChromeWingsFade if _G.MonoChromeWingsFade then local Mat = "Neon" local SecondaryArgs = { [1] = "Material", [2] = Mat, [3] = { [1] = "DragonThird", [2] = "DragonPrimary", [3] = "OceanPrimary", [4] = "Nose", [5] = "EyeColor", } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(SecondaryArgs)) local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') -- Define the colors to fade between local colors = {, 1, 1),, 0, 0),, 1, 1) } local colorIndex = 1 while _G.MonoChromeWingsFade do -- Get the current and next color local currentColor = colors[colorIndex] local nextColorIndex = colorIndex % #colors + 1 local nextColor = colors[nextColorIndex] -- Interpolate between the current and next color for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do local color = currentColor:lerp(nextColor, i) mk1:FireServer("customize", { [1] = "EyeColor", [2] = "Nose", [3] = "DragonPrimary", [4] = "DragonThird", [5] = "OceanPrimary", }, color, "Body") task.wait(0.01) -- Increase the wait time to slow down the color change end -- Move to the next color colorIndex = nextColorIndex end end end, false) local Tab = Window.NewTab("Objects") local Section = Tab.NewSection("Lazy Ass") local function getItem(what, items) return fireclickdetector(items[what]:FindFirstChildOfClass('ClickDetector')) end local function createButton(name, item) local Button = Section.NewButton(name, function() local items = { [name] = workspace.ItemOnes[item] } getItem(name, items) end) end createButton("Raw Venison", "Raw Venison") createButton("Raw Porkchop", "Raw Porkchop") createButton("Raw Chicken Leg", "Raw Chicken Leg") createButton("Raw Chicken Breast", "Raw Chicken Breast") createButton("Raw Rabbit", "Raw Rabbit") createButton("Raw Beef", "Raw Beef") createButton("Duck", "Duck") createButton("Football", "Football") createButton("Fish", "Raw Fish") createButton("Ball", "Ball") local Button = Section.NewButton("Torch", function() local items = { ['Torch'] = workspace.GroupedItems.Torch.Handle } getItem('Torch', items) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Bone", function() local items = { ['Bone'] = workspace.GroupedItems.Bone } getItem('Bone', items) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("TeddyBear", function() local items = { ['TeddyBear'] = workspace.GroupedItems.TeddyBear } getItem('TeddyBear', items) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Stick", function() local items = { ['Stick'] = workspace.GroupedItems.Stick } getItem('Stick', items) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Bunny", function() local items = { ['Bunny'] = workspace.Bunnies.Bunny['Hit'] } getItem('Bunny', items) end) local Tab = Window.NewTab("Toggles") local Section = Tab.NewSection("wana be sick") _G.rbweyes = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Rainbow Eyes", function(bool) _G.rbweyes = not _G.rbweyes if _G.rbweyes then local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') while _G.rbweyes do task.wait() local args = { "customize", { [10] = "EyeColor" },, RBW_COL.G, RBW_COL.B), "Body" } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end end, false) local hsv = Color3.fromHSV _G.rbwtag = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Rainbow Tag", function(bool) _G.rbwtag = not _G.rbwtag if _G.rbwtag then local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') while _G.rbwtag do task.wait() local h, s, v = RBW_COL:ToHSV() local args = { [1] = "ChangeColor", [2] = { hsv(h, s, v).R, hsv(h, s, v).G, hsv(h, s, v).B }, [3] = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151" .. "\153" } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end end, false) _G.faderbw = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Rainbow Fade", function(bool) if _G.faderbw then _G.faderbw = false return else _G.faderbw = true end local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') local spd = 4 while _G.faderbw do for i = 0, 1, 0.001 * spd do if _G.faderbw == false then return end col = Color3.fromHSV(i, 1, 1) local args = { [1] = "ChangeColor", [2] = { col.G, col.B, col.B }, [3] = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151" .. "\153" } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) wait() end for i = 0, 1, 0.001 * spd do if _G.faderbw == false then return end col = Color3.fromHSV(i, 1, 1) local args = { [1] = "ChangeColor", [2] = { col.B, col.B, col.G }, [3] = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151" .. "\153" } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) wait() end for i = 0, 1, 0.001 * spd do if _G.faderbw == false then return end col = Color3.fromHSV(i, 1, 1) local args = { [1] = "ChangeColor", [2] = { col.r, col.B, col.R }, [3] = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151" .. "\153" } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) wait() end end end, false) _G.rbwparti = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Rainbow Particles", function(bool) if _G.rbwparti then _G.rbwparti = false return else _G.rbwparti = true end local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') while _G.rbwparti do task.wait() local args = { [1] = "ColorParticle", [2] = RBW_COL } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end, false) _G.rbwwolf = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Rainbow wolf", function(bool) if _G.rbwwolf then _G.rbwwolf = false return else _G.rbwwolf = true end local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') while _G.rbwwolf do task.wait() local args = { [1] = "customize", [2] = { [1] = "LeftArm", [2] = "LeftShoulder", [3] = "Pads", [4] = "LeftArmPaw", [5] = "LeftLowerArm", [6] = "RightArm", [7] = "RightFootPaw", [8] = "LeftLeg", [9] = "LeftThigh", [10] = "LeftFootPaw", [11] = "Tail3", [12] = "Tail1", [13] = "Eyebrow1", [14] = "Eyebrow2", [15] = "Tail2", [16] = "Nose", [17] = "LeftEar", [18] = "Head", [19] = "InsideEars", [20] = "RightEar", [21] = "RightThigh", [22] = "Hip", [23] = "Muzzle", [24] = "Tail5", [25] = "RightShoulder", [26] = "Torso", [27] = "EyeLid", [28] = "Jaw", [29] = "RightArmPaw", [30] = "RightLeg", [31] = "LeftLowerLeg", [32] = "RightLowerLeg", [33] = "LeftWingStart", [34] = "RightWing3", [35] = "LeftWing3", [36] = "RightWingStart", [37] = "LeftWing2", [38] = "RightWing2", [39] = "RightLowerArm", [40] = "Secondary", [41] = "BackFluff", [42] = "ChestFluff", [43] = "EarFluff", [44] = "JawFluff", [45] = "LegFluff", [46] = "TailFluff", [47] = "Fat", [48] = "Claws", [49] = "EyeColor", [50] = "Pupils", [51] = "Gum", [52] = "lash", [53] = "Toungue1", [54] = "Toungue2", [55] = "Tooth", [56] = "Neck", [57] = "White", [58] = "JawWeldPart", [59] = "Back", [60] = "UpperTooth", [61] = "DragonThird", [62] = "DragonClaws", [63] = "DragonSecondary", [64] = "OceanPrimary", [65] = "OceanSecondary", [66] = "DragonPrimary" }, [3] = RBW_COL, [4] = "Body" } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end, false) _G.rbwhair = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Rainbow Hair", function(bool) if _G.rbwhair then _G.rbwhair = false return else _G.rbwhair = true end local mk1 = game:service('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') while _G.rbwhair do task.wait() local args = { [1] = "Accessories", [2] = RBW_COL } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end) _G.MonoChromeFade = false local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Mono Fade tag", function(bool) if _G.MonoChromeFade then _G.MonoChromeFade = false return else _G.MonoChromeFade = true end local RS = game:service('ReplicatedStorage') local mk1 = RS:FindFirstChild('MasterKey') local spd = 6 while _G.MonoChromeFade do for i = 0, 1, 0.001 * spd do col = Color3.fromHSV(i, 1, 1) local args = { [1] = "ChangeColor", [2] = { col.R, col.R, col.R }, [3] = "\226\128\153b%5m\226\128\176}0\195\1383t\195\154\226\149\147\195\146\226\148\140\226\128\166\226\151" .. "\153" } mk1:FireServer(unpack(args)) wait() end end end) _G.MonoChromeparticlefade = false -- settings local COLOR1 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) -- first color local COLOR2 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) -- second color local SPEED = 1 -- additional variables local Remote = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):FindFirstChild('MasterKey') local first_color ='Color3Value') -- first value first_color.Value = COLOR1 local second_color ='Color3Value') -- second value second_color.Value = COLOR2 local current_color ='Color3Value') -- fading value current_color.Value = first_color.Value local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService') -- get tween service local EnabledToggle = Section.NewToggle("Mono Chrome Particle Fade", function(bool) _G.MonoChromeparticlefade = not _G.MonoChromeparticlefade while _G.MonoChromeparticlefade do task.wait() local nextColor = current_color.Value == second_color.Value and first_color.Value or second_color.Value TweenService:Create(current_color,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), { Value = nextColor }):Play() Remote:FireServer("ColorParticle", current_color.Value) end end) local Tab = Window.NewTab("Teleports") local function createButton(Section, name, callback) Section.NewButton(name, callback) end local function createSpawnButton(Section, name, spawnName) createButton(Section, name, function() local args = { [1] = "Spawn", [2] = spawnName } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) end local Section = Tab.NewSection("Forest Biome") createSpawnButton(Section, "Forest Biome", "Forest Biome") createSpawnButton(Section, "Pup Adoption", "Adoption") createButton(Section, "Medic Den", function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 18.1427574, -114.369957, -0.311288834, -0.0115207694, 0.95024544, -0.0118246786, 0.999896049, 0.00824911054, -0.950241745, -0.00866849069, -0.311392784) end) createButton(Section, "Ship", function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 18.3770428, -53.5521202, -0.996551991, 0, -0.0829701647, 0, 1, 0, 0.0829701647, 0, -0.996551991) end) createSpawnButton(Section, "School", "School") createSpawnButton(Section, "Store", "Store") createSpawnButton(Section, "Jail", "Jail") createSpawnButton(Section, "Camp", "Camp") createSpawnButton(Section, "Cafe", "Café") local Section = Tab.NewSection("Redwood Biome") createSpawnButton(Section, "Redwood Biome", "Redwood Biome") createSpawnButton(Section, "Restaurant", "Restaurant") createSpawnButton(Section, "Medic Centre", "Medic Centre") local Section = Tab.NewSection("Snow Biome") createSpawnButton(Section, "Snow Biome", "Snow Biome") createSpawnButton(Section, "Ice Lake", "Ice Lake") createSpawnButton(Section, "Ice Bath", "Ice Bath") local Button = Section.NewButton("Secret Ice Cave", function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 145.920944, 519.690552, -0.354107857, -0.935192585, 0.00472927094, 0.0165816545, -0.0113345385, -0.999798238, 0.935057521, -0.35395807, 0.0195207) end) local Section = Tab.NewSection("Beach Biome") local function createButton(name, callback) Section.NewButton(name, callback) end createButton("Beach Biome", function() local args = { [1] = "Spawn", [2] = "Beach Biome" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) createButton("island 1", function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 37.9980087, 140.57019, 0.913549721, -0, -0.406727046, 0, 1, -0, 0.406727046, 0, 0.913549721) end) createButton("island 2", function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 48.6937866, 281.848389, -0.707002521, -0.0519653112, 0.705299318, 4.31202352e-06, 0.997296453, 0.0734835118, -0.707211077, 0.0519560687, -0.70509088) end) createButton("Secret Cave", function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 63.5017815, -87.6332779, -0.350877404, 0.851145625, -0.390430629, 2.22027302e-05, 0.41694665, 0.908930898, 0.936421335, 0.318914741, -0.146316051) end) local Button = Section.NewButton("Volcano", function() local args = { [1] = "Spawn", [2] = "Volcano" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) local Section = Tab.NewSection("VIW Dens") local function createButton(name, x, y, z, x1, y1, z1) local Button = Section.NewButton(name, function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, y, z, x1, 0, y1, 0, 1, 0, z1, 0, x1) end) end createButton("VIW Den Forest", 669.526855, 47.9800034, 242.779861, -0.120643139, 0.992695987, -0.992695987) createButton("VIW Den Forest 2", 519.791199, 48.2600021, -47.4920311, 0.600657463, -0.799506426, 0.799506426) createButton("VIW Den Redwood", 532.389893, 87.6499786, 476.836426, -0.24057126, 0.97063148, -0.97063148) createButton("VIW Den Redwood 2", 557.94342, 64.1299896, 619.453613, 0.996085644, -0.0883934423, 0.0883934423) createButton("VIW Den Redwood 3", 266.536804, 45.2700043, 574.910095, -0.373445153, 0.927652299, -0.927652299)
lets say full control 🙂 PLEASE BOMB THIS GAME LOL!!!
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