Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players engage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.
What is Roblox Script?
Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.
How to Use Roblox Script?
- Launch Roblox and join your desired game.
- Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the script code.
- Paste the script code into your preferred Roblox executor.
- Execute the script code and savor the enhanced experience.
local StrToNumber = tonumber; local Byte = string.byte; local Char = string.char; local Sub = string.sub; local Subg = string.gsub; local Rep = string.rep; local Concat = table.concat; local Insert = table.insert; local LDExp = math.ldexp; local GetFEnv = getfenv or function() return _ENV; end; local Setmetatable = setmetatable; local PCall = pcall; local Select = select; local Unpack = unpack or table.unpack; local ToNumber = tonumber; local function VMCall(ByteString, vmenv, ...) local DIP = 1; local repeatNext; ByteString = Subg(Sub(ByteString, 5), "..", function(byte) if (Byte(byte, 2) == 79) then repeatNext = StrToNumber(Sub(byte, 1, 1)); return ""; else local a = Char(StrToNumber(byte, 16)); if repeatNext then local b = Rep(a, repeatNext); repeatNext = nil; return b; else return a; end end end); local function gBit(Bit, Start, End) if End then local Res = (Bit / (2 ^ (Start - 1))) % (2 ^ (((End - 1) - (Start - 1)) + 1)); return Res - (Res % 1); else local Plc = 2 ^ (Start - 1); return (((Bit % (Plc + Plc)) >= Plc) and 1) or 0; end end local function gBits8() local a = Byte(ByteString, DIP, DIP); DIP = DIP + 1; return a; end local function gBits16() local a, b = Byte(ByteString, DIP, DIP + 2); DIP = DIP + 2; return (b * 256) + a; end local function gBits32() local a, b, c, d = Byte(ByteString, DIP, DIP + 3); DIP = DIP + 4; return (d * 16777216) + (c * 65536) + (b * 256) + a; end local function gFloat() local Left = gBits32(); local Right = gBits32(); local IsNormal = 1; local Mantissa = (gBit(Right, 1, 20) * (2 ^ 32)) + Left; local Exponent = gBit(Right, 21, 31); local Sign = ((gBit(Right, 32) == 1) and -1) or 1; if (Exponent == 0) then if (Mantissa == 0) then return Sign * 0; else Exponent = 1; IsNormal = 0; end elseif (Exponent == 2047) then return ((Mantissa == 0) and (Sign * (1 / 0))) or (Sign * NaN); end return LDExp(Sign, Exponent - 1023) * (IsNormal + (Mantissa / (2 ^ 52))); end local function gString(Len) local Str; if not Len then Len = gBits32(); if (Len == 0) then return ""; end end Str = Sub(ByteString, DIP, (DIP + Len) - 1); DIP = DIP + Len; local FStr = {}; for Idx = 1, #Str do FStr[Idx] = Char(Byte(Sub(Str, Idx, Idx))); end return Concat(FStr); end local gInt = gBits32; local function _R(...) return {...}, Select("#", ...); end local function Deserialize() local Instrs = {}; local Functions = {}; local Lines = {}; local Chunk = {Instrs,Functions,nil,Lines}; local ConstCount = gBits32(); local Consts = {}; for Idx = 1, ConstCount do local Type = gBits8(); local Cons; if (Type == 1) then Cons = gBits8() ~= 0; elseif (Type == 2) then Cons = gFloat(); elseif (Type == 3) then Cons = gString(); end Consts[Idx] = Cons; end Chunk[3] = gBits8(); for Idx = 1, gBits32() do local Descriptor = gBits8(); if (gBit(Descriptor, 1, 1) == 0) then local Type = gBit(Descriptor, 2, 3); local Mask = gBit(Descriptor, 4, 6); local Inst = {gBits16(),gBits16(),nil,nil}; if (Type == 0) then Inst[3] = gBits16(); Inst[4] = gBits16(); elseif (Type == 1) then Inst[3] = gBits32(); elseif (Type == 2) then Inst[3] = gBits32() - (2 ^ 16); elseif (Type == 3) then Inst[3] = gBits32() - (2 ^ 16); Inst[4] = gBits16(); end if (gBit(Mask, 1, 1) == 1) then Inst[2] = Consts[Inst[2]]; end if (gBit(Mask, 2, 2) == 1) then Inst[3] = Consts[Inst[3]]; end if (gBit(Mask, 3, 3) == 1) then Inst[4] = Consts[Inst[4]]; end Instrs[Idx] = Inst; end end for Idx = 1, gBits32() do Functions[Idx - 1] = Deserialize(); end return Chunk; end local function Wrap(Chunk, Upvalues, Env) local Instr = Chunk[1]; local Proto = Chunk[2]; local Params = Chunk[3]; return function(...) local Instr = Instr; local Proto = Proto; local Params = Params; local _R = _R; local VIP = 1; local Top = -1; local Vararg = {}; local Args = {...}; local PCount = Select("#", ...) - 1; local Lupvals = {}; local Stk = {}; for Idx = 0, PCount do if (Idx >= Params) then Vararg[Idx - Params] = Args[Idx + 1]; else Stk[Idx] = Args[Idx + 1]; end end local Varargsz = (PCount - Params) + 1; local Inst; local Enum; while true do Inst = Instr[VIP]; Enum = Inst[1]; if (Enum <= 23) then if (Enum <= 11) then if (Enum <= 5) then if (Enum <= 2) then if (Enum <= 0) then VIP = Inst[3]; elseif (Enum == 1) then Stk[Inst[2]][Inst[3]] = Stk[Inst[4]]; else local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Top)); end elseif (Enum <= 3) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); elseif (Enum > 4) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Inst[3] * Stk[Inst[4]]; else local A = Inst[2]; local Results, Limit = _R(Stk[A](Stk[A + 1])); Top = (Limit + A) - 1; local Edx = 0; for Idx = A, Top do Edx = Edx + 1; Stk[Idx] = Results[Edx]; end end elseif (Enum <= 8) then if (Enum <= 6) then VIP = Inst[3]; elseif (Enum > 7) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Inst[3] * Stk[Inst[4]]; else Stk[Inst[2]][Inst[3]] = Inst[4]; end elseif (Enum <= 9) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Stk[A + 1]); elseif (Enum > 10) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]]; else local A = Inst[2]; local Step = Stk[A + 2]; local Index = Stk[A] + Step; Stk[A] = Index; if (Step > 0) then if (Index <= Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; Stk[A + 3] = Index; end elseif (Index >= Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; Stk[A + 3] = Index; end end elseif (Enum <= 17) then if (Enum <= 14) then if (Enum <= 12) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]][Inst[4]]; elseif (Enum > 13) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); else Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]] * Stk[Inst[4]]; end elseif (Enum <= 15) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Inst[3]; elseif (Enum > 16) then local A = Inst[2]; local B = Stk[Inst[3]]; Stk[A + 1] = B; Stk[A] = B[Inst[4]]; else local A = Inst[2]; local B = Stk[Inst[3]]; Stk[A + 1] = B; Stk[A] = B[Inst[4]]; end elseif (Enum <= 20) then if (Enum <= 18) then Stk[Inst[2]][Inst[3]] = Stk[Inst[4]]; elseif (Enum > 19) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); else Stk[Inst[2]] = Inst[3]; end elseif (Enum <= 21) then if Stk[Inst[2]] then VIP = VIP + 1; else VIP = Inst[3]; end elseif (Enum > 22) then Stk[Inst[2]][Inst[3]] = Inst[4]; else local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); end elseif (Enum <= 35) then if (Enum <= 29) then if (Enum <= 26) then if (Enum <= 24) then Stk[Inst[2]] = {}; elseif (Enum > 25) then if Stk[Inst[2]] then VIP = VIP + 1; else VIP = Inst[3]; end else local A = Inst[2]; local T = Stk[A]; for Idx = A + 1, Top do Insert(T, Stk[Idx]); end end elseif (Enum <= 27) then local A = Inst[2]; local T = Stk[A]; for Idx = A + 1, Top do Insert(T, Stk[Idx]); end elseif (Enum == 28) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]]; else Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]] / Inst[4]; end elseif (Enum <= 32) then if (Enum <= 30) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Stk[A + 1]); elseif (Enum > 31) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](); else Stk[Inst[2]] = {}; end elseif (Enum <= 33) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Stk[A + 1]); elseif (Enum == 34) then local A = Inst[2]; local Step = Stk[A + 2]; local Index = Stk[A] + Step; Stk[A] = Index; if (Step > 0) then if (Index <= Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; Stk[A + 3] = Index; end elseif (Index >= Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; Stk[A + 3] = Index; end else local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Top)); end elseif (Enum <= 41) then if (Enum <= 38) then if (Enum <= 36) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Stk[A + 1]); elseif (Enum == 37) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](); else Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]] * Stk[Inst[4]]; end elseif (Enum <= 39) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Env[Inst[3]]; elseif (Enum == 40) then local A = Inst[2]; local Index = Stk[A]; local Step = Stk[A + 2]; if (Step > 0) then if (Index > Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; else Stk[A + 3] = Index; end elseif (Index < Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; else Stk[A + 3] = Index; end else Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]][Inst[4]]; end elseif (Enum <= 44) then if (Enum <= 42) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Env[Inst[3]]; elseif (Enum > 43) then local A = Inst[2]; local Index = Stk[A]; local Step = Stk[A + 2]; if (Step > 0) then if (Index > Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; else Stk[A + 3] = Index; end elseif (Index < Stk[A + 1]) then VIP = Inst[3]; else Stk[A + 3] = Index; end else local A = Inst[2]; local Results, Limit = _R(Stk[A](Stk[A + 1])); Top = (Limit + A) - 1; local Edx = 0; for Idx = A, Top do Edx = Edx + 1; Stk[Idx] = Results[Edx]; end end elseif (Enum <= 45) then do return; end elseif (Enum == 46) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]] / Inst[4]; else do return; end end VIP = VIP + 1; end end; end return Wrap(Deserialize(), {}, vmenv)(...); end VMCall("LOL!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", GetFEnv(), ...);
Remember to employ a dummy account when injecting scripts. We cannot be held responsible for any potential harm caused to your Roblox account.