Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players engage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.
What is Roblox Script?
Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.
What is Roblox Script?
Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.
How to Use Roblox Script?
- Launch Roblox and join your desired game.
- Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the script code.
- Paste the script code into your preferred Roblox executor.
- Execute the script code and savor the enhanced experience
Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players engage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.
--[[ WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk! ]] --// Message \\-- --[[ The original script wasnt made by me [doge#7202] I just forked the script and added a keybind to change the range. The original script creator is epzi Make sure to tweak the settings to your likings Have a great day! [Forked version of script made by doge#7202 on discord] ]] --// Setting \\-- local range = 15 --The deafult range for the script local rangeAddkeybind = Enum.KeyCode.E --Change the "E" to the keybind you want to use to add range. local rangeSubtractkeybind = Enum.KeyCode.Q --Change the "Q" to the keybind you want to use to subtract range. local TogglePreciseRange = Enum.KeyCode.BackSlash --Change the "BackSlash" to the key you want to toggle precise range local DoNotDisturb = false --If its on true, the script will notifiy you if your range has been changed. if its false then it doesnt notify. local PreciseRange = false --Keep this off if you dont want your range value to have numbers that go into the 0.01's. --// Variable \\-- local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") --// Keybind Functions \\-- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(input) if input.KeyCode == rangeSubtractkeybind then if PreciseRange == true then range = range - 0.01 else range = range - 1 end wait() if DoNotDisturb == false then game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Notification", Text = "the range was set to"..range}) end end end) UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(input) if input.KeyCode == rangeAddkeybind then if PreciseRange == true then range = range + 0.01 else range = range + 1 end wait() if DoNotDisturb == false then game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Notification", Text = "the range was set to"..range}) end end end) UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(input) if input.KeyCode == TogglePreciseRange then if PreciseRange == false then PreciseRange = true if DoNotDisturb == false then game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Notification", Text = "the Precise range was set to true"}) end else PreciseRange = false if DoNotDisturb == false then game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Notification", Text = "the Precise range was set to false"}) end end end end) --// Script \\-- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() local p = game.Players:GetPlayers() for i = 2, #p do local v = p[i].Character if v and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Humanoid.Health > 0 and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and player:DistanceFromCharacter(v.HumanoidRootPart.Position) <= range then local tool = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") if tool and tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") then tool:Activate() for i,v in next, v:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then firetouchinterest(tool.Handle,v,0) firetouchinterest(tool.Handle,v,1) end end end end end end) if DoNotDisturb == false then game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Script Load", Text = "the script loaded successfully!"}) end