Early access for limitless legacy name check bypass lol Script Copy & Download

Blox Fruits is an immensely popular game on the Roblox platform, boasting a vast user base. This action-adventure game revolves around a pirate theme, where players enagage in combat against a variety of enemies and challenging bosses. Exploring islands and consuming different fruits are essential for advancing your character’s level.

What is Roblox Script?

Roblox Scripts typically refer to snippets of code that offer automation advantages within the game. Independent developers and scripters create these scripts, which are not officially endorsed by the Roblox platform. Nevertheless, you can still utilize these scripts through Roblox executors such as Arceus X, Hydrogen Executor, JJSploit, Fluxus executor, and others.

How to Use Roblox Script?

  1. Launch Roblox and join your desired game.
  2. Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the script code.
  3. Paste the script code into your preferred Roblox executor.
  4. Execute the script code and savor the enhanced experience.
	WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk!
local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function() return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...) local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30) if (v1(v30,2)==81) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";else local v82=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v87=v5(v82,v19);v19=nil;return v87;else return v82;end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33) if v33 then local v83=(v31/(((882 -(282 + 595)) -3)^(v32-(2 -(1638 -(1523 + 114))))))%((3 -1)^(((v33-(2 -1)) -(v32-(620 -(555 + 64)))) + ((838 + 94) -(857 + 74)))) ;return v83-(v83%1) ;else local v84=2^(v32-(569 -(58 + 309 + 201))) ;return (((v31%(v84 + v84))>=v84) and (928 -(214 + 713))) or (0 + 0) ;end end local function v21() local v34=0 -0 ;local v35;while true do if (v34==(1065 -(68 + 997))) then v35=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + (1271 -(226 + 1044)) ;v34=4 -3 ;end if (v34==(118 -(32 + 85))) then return v35;end end end local function v22() local v36,v37=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 2 + 0 );v18=v18 + 1 + 1 ;return (v37 * 256) + v36 ;end local function v23() local v38,v39,v40,v41=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (960 -(892 + 65)) );v18=v18 + (9 -5) ;return (v41 * (31011612 -14234396)) + (v40 * ((120662 -(87 + 263)) -54776)) + (v39 * (436 -(67 + 113))) + v38 ;end local function v24() local v42=v23();local v43=v23();local v44=1 + 0 ;local v45=(v20(v43,2 -1 ,15 + 5 ) * ((7 -5)^(823 -(368 + 423)))) + v42 ;local v46=v20(v43,973 -(802 + 150) ,83 -52 );local v47=((v20(v43,57 -25 )==(1 + 0)) and  -(998 -((2875 -1960) + 82))) or (2 -1) ;if (v46==(0 + (18 -(10 + 8)))) then if (v45==(0 -(0 -0))) then return v47 * 0 ;else v46=1188 -(1069 + 118) ;v44=0;end elseif (v46==2047) then return ((v45==(0 -0)) and (v47 * ((1 -(442 -(416 + 26)))/((0 -0) + 0)))) or (v47 * NaN) ;end return v8(v47,v46-(1817 -794) ) * (v44 + (v45/((2 + 0 + 0)^52))) ;end local function v25(v48) local v49;if  not v48 then v48=v23();if (v48==(0 -0)) then return "";end end v49=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v48) -(439 -(145 + 293)) );v18=v18 + v48 ;local v50={};for v65=431 -(44 + 386) , #v49 do v50[v65]=v2(v1(v3(v49,v65,v65)));end return v6(v50);end local v26=v23;local function v27(...) return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28() local v51=(function() return 808 -(740 + 68) ;end)();local v52=(function() return;end)();local v53=(function() return;end)();local v54=(function() return;end)();local v55=(function() return;end)();local v56=(function() return;end)();local v57=(function() return;end)();local v58=(function() return;end)();while true do local v67=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v67==0) then if (1==v51) then local v94=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v94==2) then v51=(function() return 1 + 1 ;end)();break;end if (v94==1) then v58=(function() return {};end)();for v103= #"[",v57 do local v104=(function() return 836 -(660 + 176) ;end)();local v105=(function() return;end)();local v106=(function() return;end)();local v107=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v104==0) then v105=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();v106=(function() return nil;end)();v104=(function() return 1;end)();end if (v104~=1) then else v107=(function() return nil;end)();while true do if (v105==(202 -(14 + 188))) then local v165=(function() return 675 -(534 + 141) ;end)();while true do if ((0 + 0)~=v165) then else v106=(function() return v21();end)();v107=(function() return nil;end)();v165=(function() return 1;end)();end if (v165~=1) then else v105=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();break;end end end if ((1 + 0)==v105) then if (v106== #",") then v107=(function() return v21()~=0 ;end)();elseif (v106==2) then v107=(function() return v24();end)();elseif (v106== #"gha") then v107=(function() return v25();end)();end v58[v103]=(function() return v107;end)();break;end end break;end end end v94=(function() return 2;end)();end if (v94==0) then local v102=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if (v102~=(1 -0)) then else v94=(function() return 2 -1 ;end)();break;end if (v102~=(0 + 0)) then else v56=(function() return {v53,v54,nil,v55};end)();v57=(function() return v23();end)();v102=(function() return 397 -(115 + 281) ;end)();end end end end end if (v51~=(4 -2)) then else v56[ #"gha"]=(function() return v21();end)();for v98= #" ",v23() do local v99=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v100=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v99==0) then v100=(function() return v21();end)();if (v20(v100, #"!", #"!")~=0) then else local v108=(function() return 0;end)();local v109=(function() return;end)();local v110=(function() return;end)();local v111=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v108==3) then if (v20(v110, #"91(", #"gha")~= #"[") then else v111[ #"asd1"]=(function() return v58[v111[ #"?id="]];end)();end v53[v98]=(function() return v111;end)();break;end if (v108~=2) then else if (v20(v110, #"\\", #"~")== #"{") then v111[4 -2 ]=(function() return v58[v111[2]];end)();end if (v20(v110,2,7 -5 )== #"~") then v111[ #"xxx"]=(function() return v58[v111[ #"-19"]];end)();end v108=(function() return 870 -(550 + 317) ;end)();end if ((1 -0)==v108) then local v118=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if (v118~=(2 -1)) then else v108=(function() return 287 -(134 + 151) ;end)();break;end if ((1665 -(970 + 695))==v118) then v111=(function() return {v22(),v22(),nil,nil};end)();if (v109==0) then local v248=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();local v249=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v248==0) then v249=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v249~=0) then else v111[ #"19("]=(function() return v22();end)();v111[ #"asd1"]=(function() return v22();end)();break;end end break;end end elseif (v109== #",") then v111[ #"91("]=(function() return v23();end)();elseif (v109==2) then v111[ #"xnx"]=(function() return v23() -((1992 -(582 + 1408))^16) ;end)();elseif (v109~= #"asd") then else local v291=(function() return 0;end)();local v292=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v291~=0) then else v292=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if (0~=v292) then else v111[ #"-19"]=(function() return v23() -((2 -0)^16) ;end)();v111[ #"0836"]=(function() return v22();end)();break;end end break;end end end v118=(function() return 1;end)();end end end if (v108==(0 -0)) then local v119=(function() return 1824 -(1195 + 629) ;end)();local v120=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v119==0) then v120=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v120==0) then local v263=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v263~=0) then else v109=(function() return v20(v100,2 -0 , #"xnx");end)();v110=(function() return v20(v100, #"http",6);end)();v263=(function() return 1;end)();end if (v263~=(242 -(187 + 54))) then else v120=(function() return 781 -(162 + 618) ;end)();break;end end end if (1==v120) then v108=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();break;end end break;end end end end end break;end end end for v101= #"|",v23() do v54,v101,v28=(function() return v52(v54,v101,v28);end)();end return v56;end v67=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end if (v67==(1 -0)) then if (v51~=(0 -0)) then else local v96=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v97=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v96~=(1636 -(1373 + 263))) then else v97=(function() return 1000 -(451 + 549) ;end)();while true do if (v97==(1 + 1)) then v51=(function() return 1;end)();break;end if (1==v97) then v54=(function() return {};end)();v55=(function() return {};end)();v97=(function() return 2;end)();end if (0==v97) then v52=(function() return function(v112,v113,v114) local v115=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();local v116=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v115~=0) then else v116=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if (v116==(1384 -(746 + 638))) then local v250=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v251=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v250~=(0 -0)) then else v251=(function() return 341 -(218 + 123) ;end)();while true do if (v251==(1581 -(1535 + 46))) then v112[v113-#"!" ]=(function() return v114();end)();return v112,v113,v114;end end break;end end end end break;end end end;end)();v53=(function() return {};end)();v97=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end end break;end end end break;end end end end local function v29(v59,v60,v61) local v62=v59[1 + 0 ];local v63=v59[562 -(306 + (588 -334)) ];local v64=v59[1 + (2 -0) ];return function(...) local v68=v62;local v69=v63;local v70=v64;local v71=v27;local v72=1 -0 ;local v73= -(1468 -(899 + 568));local v74={};local v75={...};local v76=v12("#",...) -(1 + 0) ;local v77={};local v78={};for v85=236 -(141 + 95) ,v76 do if ((4755>3428) and (v85>=v70)) then v74[v85-v70 ]=v75[v85 + 1 ];else v78[v85]=v75[v85 + 1 ];end end local v79=(v76-v70) + (2 -1) ;local v80;local v81;while true do local v86=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v86==0) then v80=v68[v72];v81=v80[604 -(268 + 335) ];v86=291 -(60 + 230) ;end if (v86==1) then if (v81<=20) then if (v81<=(581 -(426 + 146))) then if (v81<=4) then if ((1381<=2369) and (v81<=(1 + 0))) then if (v81>(1456 -(282 + 1174))) then v72=v80[814 -((1464 -895) + (581 -339)) ];else v72=v80[8 -5 ];end elseif (v81<=(1 + 1)) then v78[v80[2]][v80[1027 -(706 + 318) ]]=v80[1255 -(169 + 552 + 530) ];elseif (v81==(1274 -(945 + 326))) then v78[v80[4 -2 ]]=v78[v80[3 + 0 ]][v80[704 -(271 + 429) ]];else local v187=0;local v188;local v189;while true do if (((0 + 0)==v187) or (4843==4084)) then v188=v80[2];v189=v78[v80[1503 -(1408 + 92) ]];v187=1087 -(461 + 625) ;end if (v187==1) then v78[v188 + (1289 -((2720 -1727) + 295)) ]=v189;v78[v188]=v189[v80[1 + 3 ]];break;end end end elseif ((4669>363) and (v81<=6)) then if ((v81>(1176 -(418 + 753))) or (1877>=3138)) then local v125=0 + 0 ;local v126;local v127;local v128;local v129;while true do if ((1 + 1)==v125) then for v236=v126,v73 do local v237=0;while true do if ((4742>=3626) and (v237==(0 + 0))) then v129=v129 + 1 + 0 ;v78[v236]=v127[v129];break;end end end break;end if ((530 -(406 + 123))==v125) then v73=(v128 + v126) -(1770 -(1749 + 20)) ;v129=0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ;v125=1324 -(1249 + 73) ;end if (v125==(0 + 0)) then v126=v80[1147 -(466 + 679) ];v127,v128=v71(v78[v126](v13(v78,v126 + 1 ,v80[6 -3 ])));v125=1;end end elseif (v80[5 -3 ]==v78[v80[(2680 -776) -(106 + 1794) ]]) then v72=v72 + 1 + 0 ;else v72=v80[1 + 2 ];end elseif (v81<=(20 -13)) then v78[v80[5 -3 ]]=v61[v80[117 -(3 + 1 + 110) ]];elseif (v81>(592 -(57 + (690 -(92 + 71))))) then local v191=v69[v80[1430 -(41 + 1386) ]];local v192;local v193={};v192=v10({},{__index=function(v215,v216) local v217=103 -(17 + 86) ;local v218;while true do if (v217==(0 + 0)) then v218=v193[v216];return v218[1 -0 ][v218[2]];end end end,__newindex=function(v219,v220,v221) local v222=v193[v220];v222[2 -1 ][v222[168 -(122 + 44) ]]=v221;end});for v224=1 -(0 + 0) ,v80[4] do v72=v72 + (3 -2) ;local v225=v68[v72];if ((v225[1 + 0 ]==(5 + 28)) or (4540==916)) then v193[v224-(1 -(0 -0)) ]={v78,v225[3]};else v193[v224-(1258 -(1043 + 214)) ]={v60,v225[3]};end v77[ #v77 + (1213 -(323 + 889)) ]=v193;end v78[v80[5 -3 ]]=v29(v191,v192,v61);elseif ((v78[v80[582 -(361 + 219) ]]==v80[4]) or (1156>4345)) then v72=v72 + (321 -(53 + 267)) ;else v72=v80[1 + 2 ];end elseif ((2237<4249) and (v81<=(427 -(15 + 398)))) then if ((v81<=11) or (2683<23)) then if (v81>(992 -(18 + 964))) then local v132=0 -0 ;local v133;local v134;local v135;local v136;while true do if (v132==(0 + (765 -(574 + 191)))) then v133=v80[2 + 0 ];v134,v135=v71(v78[v133](v13(v78,v133 + (851 -(20 + 830)) ,v80[3 + 0 ])));v132=127 -(116 + 10) ;end if (v132==(1 + 0)) then v73=(v135 + v133) -(739 -(542 + 196)) ;v136=0;v132=3 -1 ;end if (v132==2) then for v239=v133,v73 do v136=v136 + 1 ;v78[v239]=v134[v136];end break;end end else local v137=v80[2];v78[v137]=v78[v137](v13(v78,v137 + 1 + 0 ,v73));end elseif (v81<=(7 + 5)) then v78[v80[1 + 1 ]]=v80[7 -(4 + 0) ];elseif ((697<=826) and (v81==13)) then local v195=0 -0 ;local v196;while true do if ((1105<=1176) and (v195==(1551 -(1126 + 425)))) then v196=v80[(1019 -612) -(118 + 287) ];v78[v196]=v78[v196](v13(v78,v196 + 1 + 0 ,v80[3]));break;end end else v78[v80[7 -5 ]]=v78[v80[1124 -(118 + 1003) ]];end elseif (v81<=(49 -32)) then if ((3379<=3812) and (v81<=((1241 -(254 + 595)) -(142 + 235)))) then local v141=v69[v80[3]];local v142;local v143={};v142=v10({},{__index=function(v167,v168) local v169=v143[v168];return v169[4 -3 ][v169[128 -(55 + 71) ]];end,__newindex=function(v170,v171,v172) local v173=0 + 0 ;local v174;while true do if ((v173==(977 -(553 + 424))) or (788>=1616)) then v174=v143[v171];v174[1 -0 ][v174[2 + 0 ]]=v172;break;end end end});for v175=(1791 -(573 + 1217)) + 0 ,v80[3 + 1 ] do local v176=0 + 0 ;local v177;while true do if (v176==(1 + 0)) then if ((1854<=3379) and (v177[2 -1 ]==(71 -38))) then v143[v175-(2 -1) ]={v78,v177[3]};else v143[v175-(1 + 0) ]={v60,v177[1 + 2 ]};end v77[ #v77 + (754 -(239 + 514)) ]=v143;break;end if (v176==(0 + 0)) then v72=v72 + (1330 -(797 + 532)) ;v177=v68[v72];v176=1 + 0 ;end end end v78[v80[1 + 1 ]]=v29(v141,v142,v61);elseif (v81>(37 -21)) then do return;end else v78[v80[2]][v80[1205 -(373 + 829) ]]=v80[735 -(476 + 255) ];end elseif (v81<=(1148 -(369 + 761))) then for v178=v80[2 + 0 ],v80[5 -2 ] do v78[v178]=nil;end elseif (v81==((56 -21) -16)) then v78[v80[(1179 -(714 + 225)) -(64 + 174) ]]();else v78[v80[1 + (2 -1) ]]=v60[v80[3]];end elseif (v81<=30) then if (v81<=25) then if ((4549==4549) and (v81<=(32 -10))) then if (v81==((497 -140) -(16 + 128 + 192))) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[(316 -97) -(42 + 174) ]][v80[4]];else v78[v80[2 + (806 -(118 + 688)) ]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4 + 0 ]];end elseif (v81<=23) then for v180=v80[1 + 1 ],v80[1507 -(363 + 1141) ] do v78[v180]=nil;end elseif ((v81>24) or (3022>=3024)) then local v203=v80[1582 -((1231 -(25 + 23)) + 397) ];local v204={};for v228=1, #v77 do local v229=0 -0 ;local v230;while true do if (v229==(0 + 0)) then v230=v77[v228];for v272=0, #v230 do local v273=0 + 0 + 0 ;local v274;local v275;local v276;while true do if (v273==(1975 -(1913 + 62))) then v274=v230[v272];v275=v274[1 + 0 ];v273=2 -1 ;end if ((4820>2198) and (v273==(1934 -(565 + 1368)))) then v276=v274[7 -5 ];if ((v275==v78) and (v276>=v203)) then v204[v276]=v275[v276];v274[1662 -(1477 + 184) ]=v204;end break;end end end break;end end end else v78[v80[2 -0 ]]();end elseif ((v81<=(26 + 1)) or (1061>=4891)) then if (v81>26) then do return;end else local v149=856 -(564 + 292) ;local v150;while true do if (0==v149) then v150=v80[2 -0 ];v78[v150]=v78[v150](v13(v78,v150 + 1 ,v73));break;end end end elseif (v81<=28) then v78[v80[5 -3 ]]=v80[307 -(244 + 60) ];elseif (v81>((1909 -(927 + 959)) + 6)) then local v205=476 -(41 + 435) ;local v206;while true do if (v205==(1001 -(938 + 63))) then v206=v80[2 + 0 ];v78[v206]=v78[v206](v13(v78,v206 + 1 ,v80[3]));break;end end else local v207=v80[1127 -(936 + 189) ];v78[v207](v13(v78,v207 + 1 + 0 ,v80[3]));end elseif (v81<=(1648 -(1565 + 48))) then if (v81<=32) then if (v81>(20 + 11)) then local v153=v80[1140 -(782 + 356) ];local v154=v78[v80[270 -(176 + 91) ]];v78[v153 + (2 -1) ]=v154;v78[v153]=v154[v80[5 -1 ]];else v78[v80[1094 -(975 + 117) ]]=v60[v80[1878 -(157 + 1718) ]];end elseif (v81<=33) then v78[v80[2 + 0 ]]=v78[v80[3]];elseif ((1364<=4473) and (v81==(120 -(289 -203)))) then v78[v80[6 -4 ]]={};elseif ((v78[v80[1020 -(697 + 321) ]]==v80[10 -6 ]) or (3595<=3)) then v72=v72 + (1 -0) ;else v72=v80[3];end elseif ((v81<=(87 -(781 -(16 + 716)))) or (4672==3852)) then if (v81<=(15 + 21)) then v78[v80[3 -1 ]]={};elseif (v81==(99 -62)) then if (v80[1229 -((621 -299) + 905) ]==v78[v80[615 -(602 + 9) ]]) then v72=v72 + (1190 -(449 + 740)) ;else v72=v80[875 -(826 + 46) ];end else local v209=v80[949 -(245 + 702) ];local v210={};for v233=98 -(11 + 86) , #v77 do local v234=0 -(0 -0) ;local v235;while true do if (v234==(0 + 0)) then v235=v77[v233];for v277=1898 -(260 + 1638) , #v235 do local v278=0;local v279;local v280;local v281;while true do if (v278==((726 -(175 + 110)) -(382 + 58))) then v281=v279[6 -4 ];if ((1559==1559) and (v280==v78) and (v281>=v209)) then local v297=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((v297==(0 -(0 -0))) or (1752<=788)) then v210[v281]=v280[v281];v279[2 -1 ]=v210;break;end end end break;end if (v278==(1205 -((4448 -3546) + 303))) then v279=v235[v277];v280=v279[(1797 -(503 + 1293)) -(0 -0) ];v278=2 -1 ;end end end break;end end end end elseif ((v81<=(4 + 35)) or (3907==177)) then v78[v80[2]][v80[1693 -(811 + 310 + 569) ]]=v78[v80[218 -(22 + 192) ]];elseif (v81==(723 -(483 + 200))) then local v211=v80[1465 -(1404 + 59) ];v78[v211](v13(v78,v211 + ((1063 -(810 + 251)) -(1 + 0)) ,v80[(1 + 2) -0 ]));else v78[v80[767 -(468 + 297) ]]=v61[v80[565 -(334 + 228) ]];end v72=v72 + ((3 + 0) -2) ;break;end end end end;end return v29(v28(),{},v17)(...);end return v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v9(),...);

– The options in the dropdown. Callback = – The function of the dropdown. ]] Dropdown:Refresh(List,true) Dropdown:Set(“dropdown option”) OrionLib:Init()

Remember to employ a dummy account when injecting scripts. We cannot be held responsible for any potential harm caused to your Roblox account.


I was bored idk if this script is even gud nor do I know what it is, it’s a toji script for what I know Used with sonic btw


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